I’d already been collecting covers of Crouching Guy when Janna sent me a few more covers and asked if I was going to do a Misadventures on him sometime. Great minds and all that.
While it’s nothing new for our stock photo guys to be a bit confused and indecisive, Crouching Guy’s confusion is a bit different. Should he follow his lupine nature?
Or his less noble canine nature, embracing his role as
and do it
? *ahem*
Or should he just keep
? After all, there’s his piscine nature to consider…
…at least as long as he’s careful and doesn’t take the
. (Fortunately, there’s always that old fallback, time travel, if he messes things up.)
But personally, I think he should embrace his feline nature…
and let his inner black kitty shine through!
“Mom, why is this boy so confused? It’s obvious he should go with his black kitty nature. Duh.” -Mayhem
You (and this hottie) just made my day!
I don’t mind him doing it *ahem* doggy style, but I agree with Mayhem that he should go with his black kitty nature! Sexy
Thank you for the laughs!
.-= ErotRomReader Janna´s last blog ..Mondays Hot Couple & Sexy, Smutty Scene =-.
Thanks for the great way of starting a new week – with lots of laughs
.-= Host´s last blog ..1 year anniversary!!! + contest =-.
Wow, I wonder if he gets royalties every time his pictures appears on a cover!
.-= Brigitte´s last blog ..The Things I Do. =-.
There is definitely a resemblance between the look in Mayhem’s eyes and “the book boys”.
.-= margene´s last blog ..My Blue Heaven =-.
Really good sub-title.
.-= trek´s last blog ..Of ear muffs and tunes =-.
Chris – one of your best stock photo posts yet! I mean, the title rocks and everything. Thanks for the LOLs on this otherwise barfy Monday morning (woke up to a huge pile from Miss Mary Jane…ugh!)
I wonder if maybe Crouching Guy is maybe a polyshifter – yeah I just made that up, it might not even be a word – and that’s why he gets pegged (heh) to be on so many shifter covers.
I must say that after seeing him on so many covers, my neck hurts in sympathy.
.-= Wren´s last blog ..Mini Challenge: League of Reluctant Adults – Kat Richardson =-.
Huh, I’m not familiar with Crouching Guy, although when I saw the title I swore it said “grouchy” guy and my first thought was “Well, he’s serious looking but he doesn’t look grouchy.” LOL
He must stick with the ladies because I’ve never really seen him before. Although I generally don’t read those two m/m authors for a variety of reasons so that adds to his mystique for me.
Fabulous post!
Do you think his legs hurt after crouching so long? I wouldn’t be able to get back by now. I’d be permanently crouched by now.
.-= Lily´s last blog ..Mondays… Music and Man Candy =-.
How did you find all these covers? Nice detective work.
.-= katiebabs´s last blog ..Exclusive Kresley Cole’s First Annual Nixism Contest! =-.
That pose in “Man’s Best Friend” looks awfully uncomfortable.
.-= Cheryl S.´s last blog ..Sleeve in Repose =-.
The addition of the bloody hook for the cover on Bait – ewww…yuck!
Love these posts on the Misadventures in Stock Photography.
.-= Donna-FantasyDreamer´s last blog ..Spider’s Bite by Jennifer Estep – Winner! =-.
Snortle! Mayhem is wise in the way of Crouching Guy.
Crouching Guy, Hidden Nature! Ha, ha! Very clever. You gotta love stock photography — but I think this has to be by far the most repetitions I’ve ever seen of a cover!
.-= Val Kovalin´s last blog ..Review Another Dream by Addison Albright =-.
Love this one! And, I must say, “Crouching Guy” is much hotter than “Crick Neck Guy” or “Candy Cane Guy”, IMO.
Hi Chris!
Hey, My Everything sounds very fun and plotty. And mysterious!! And crouching guy…LOL What can I say. It is a really good thing to have time travel to fall back on. I would like to see crouching guy fight candy cane guy.
.-= Carolyn Crane´s last blog ..Things I’m looking forward to: exciting-to-me releases, a hunt, a vacay! =-.
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If you do get an error when you try to leave a comment, could you please drop me an email about it? Thank you!
Hrm. While I don’t think my photoshop skills and layout skills are excellent, some of these covers definitely ping my “I can do better than that” vibe.
And yes, embrace the inner black cat nature. You know you want to!
.-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..some mornings =-.
I’m just glad crouching guy doesn’t look like jail bait unlike some of the other stock photo guys/boys.
These misadventures are cracking me up!
.-= kmkat´s last blog ..Amazement. =-.
Love the blog post title!
My he is a busy boy! I don’t think May can realize how difficult it is to have a “black kitty nature.” As a Panther Princess, these things just come naturally.
.-= Brenda´s last blog ..Things I’ve Got =-.
oh Chris.
your post title and the commentary make these posts so hilarious! thank you.
LOVE the title! This post has made my day.
And you found a black kitty book for Miss May! Huzzah! (Though she’s probably still too young to read it.)
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..One Week In February =-.
Seriously? Doggy Style?
Mayhem’s gotta like that last one.
That is soo funny! I didn’t know they recycled photos like that. I agree with Chaos, he should stick with his inner black kitty nature.
I’m with you Mayhem!
You know I always associate him with one of the Carol Lynne protags…
I love him…. at least he was standing back when I knew him first… He has definately gone downhill…
For god sake get Mayhem a toy to play with if the Panther Princess insist on playing in cardboard boxes… a blanky at the least…
.-= Erotic Horizon´s last blog ..The Sunday Salon – Loads of Laughter and Half Nekkid Men =-.
I have to admit this guy is one of the best ones yet. The only one I’m not entirely sure of is ‘Bait’. I agree with Chaos he needs to give into his wild nature. (Hugs)Indigo
.-= Indigo´s last blog ..The Why of the Why Not =-.
Time Travel! Too bad they threw romance into it.
.-= Carrie K´s last blog ..January 11, 1937 – November 28th, 2009 =-.
LOL! I’m still laughing at the title! Just thinking about crouching guy’s piscine nature seems very un-romantic.
Mayhem has the best crouching kitty, basement cat nature pose.
.-= Sydney´s last blog ..Surprise! It’s Snow! =-.
Oh, I love when you these posts, you always make me laugh
OMG!! I think this is the best one yet Chris… I love the captions, you are so clever!
LOL It has been a tortuously long day and you turned my frown upside down. lol
*thinking wistful thoughts for Chris too but I seriously need my vacations* lol
.-= Lea´s last blog .."Dare to Surrender", by Lilli Feisty – Review =-.
Oh Chris!!!!! Your best yet!!! I love this one!
I agree with May on his…
Thanks for making my day… even if it is late!
Kitties are the best.
.-= mrspao´s last blog ..More UFOs than Roswell? =-.
Wow, excuse my primal-ness, but wow, that is one handsome man! A man’s best friend is my favorite pic outcome, but hey, that’s pretty obvious, no? Wow.