In which I discuss stories about black cats and include a knitting picture

  • I think I’m only going to have nightmares about one or two cases.
  • Forgot about that one! I actually have Catnap, the first book, which combines knitting and black cats.
  • Then I remembered another black cat book – a free ebook by Cat Johnson called Black Cat.

  • Mayhem’s definitely not old enough to read that one!
  • Speaking of knitting (I did! Really! Look back a few bullets and you’ll see!), some of you have expressed concern that I no longer knit.
  • Not true!
  • I do still knit, albeit very, very, very slowly.
  • I continue to have neck and back pain; knitting for more than very short periods definitely aggravates things.
  • So, allow me to present the Eternal Sock of Eternity that I’ve been working on for, um, six weeks or so.
  • I’ve started the cuff ribbing!
  • Why, yes, this is the first sock of a pair.
  • What’s your point?

“What the heck is that thing on the floor?!” -Chaos

“Oh, look, unattended yarn. My favorite!” -Mayhem

The yarn is Trekking 100 and the stitch pattern is Charade. I think. It’s been such a long time since I started it… 😉

39 thoughts on “In which I discuss stories about black cats and include a knitting picture”

  1. Sorry you are having pain. Hope you feel better soon. I have a skein of Trekking 100 tucked safely in the stash. When my first pair with it wear out, I’ll make another.

  2. Better to knit slowly and intermittently than not to knit at all.

    :: realizes why Chris has been posting so much, erm, “romance” reading lately – too much time on her knitterly hands ::
    .-= trek´s last blog ..lpsz =-.

  3. Knitting! Yay! We can now have the Adventures in Sock Photography we’ve all been waiting for!!

    I do hope your back/neck pain gets better soon.

    Also, I forget if the kitties are black (I know one of them is not for sure) but Taunya Huff’s “Keeper” trilogy has cats in it. And it’s safe for May to read – has romance of the sweet kind and not so much of the steamy, NSFW-book-cover kind. (AND it’s an UF, so May’s mom might like it, too. 😉 )
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..WIP-y Quick-y =-.

  4. I can sympathize with you about your knitting pain. I have arthritis in my hands and have trouble knitting, sewing and cross stitching. Even starting to affect typing on the computer. ACK!

  5. Six weeks is nothing for a single sock. In fact, you should only be an inch or two into the sock…….

    I love Brussels sprouts but I might brave that thread anyway.
    I’e a picture of a book from Poland w/ a black cat on the cover… Not sure of the content though.

  6. Knitting slowly is a good thing when you have neck and back pain. That’s something you don’t want to get worse. And hey my knitting has been slow lately too and I don’t have a pain excuse. I really like that yarn!
    .-= Sydney´s last blog ..Snow Days =-.

  7. That sock looks great – I’m in awe of your awesome (albeit slow) knitting skillz.

    Oh, and that cover – whew! *whispers I downloaded the book!*

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