In which I admit to being a desktop icon minimalist

Jeanne and I periodically talk about computer desktops and out-of-control icons – she has a family member whose entire desktop is covered with icons, and neither of us can figure out how that person can find anything.

I’ve always been sort of a desktop icon minimalist, as you can tell from this January 2007 post. (I actually don’t have the laptop in that post anymore; it was passed on to Jeanne’s icon junkie family member!)

Here’s my current desktop with its single icon (click picture to embiggen). Yup, still a Rurouni Kenshin wallpaper; this computer is also named Kenshin. Usually the bottom bar is hidden, too, but I found the artist and song title amusing enough to include in the screen shot. 🙂

Is your computer desktop cluttered or sparse? What do you use for wallpaper?

Tangent: I freshened up my blog’s sidebar over the weekend. The sidebar now has a tag cloud… and maybe I’ll actually get tags fixed on posts so that someone other than me can see them!

“Why aren’t you throwing my green mouse for me, Mom? I brought it back.” -Mayhem

51 thoughts on “In which I admit to being a desktop icon minimalist”

  1. Since I have a Mac now, my desktop is completely uncluttered, with just about a dozen small icons running down the right side. My wallpaper is a photo of horses, taken when my friend and I went to the dude ranch in 2008.

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