Monday meanderings

Reading Update
Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater. I remember loving this book as a child. When I found it in the library’s sale bin for $0.25, it was obviously time for a reread.
Dead Copy: A Cauley MacKinnon Novel by Kit Frazier. Found this Austin, Texas, mystery in the library’s “New Books” section and enjoyed the read enough that I’m sad I didn’t read the first book before this one. I’ll get over it. 🙂
Scoop: A Cauley MacKinnon Novel by Kit Frazier. The first book that I read second… Cauley writes obituaries for an Austin, Texas, newspaper and is looking for a big story to help her move up the ranks at the paper. Of course, she gets a bit more than she bargained for when she finds that story…
The Penguin Who Knew Too Much by Donna Andrews. Penguins and llamas and hyenas, oh my! The latest Meg Langslow mystery is another madcap read.
My Sister Is a Werewolf by Kathy Love. Apparently this is the most recent book in a series about three brothers who are vampires. This book focuses on their werewolf sister and the veterinarian she falls for.
Accidentally Engaged by Mary Carter. A wonderfully fun romance about psychic Clare Ivers – this was completely madcap and unpredictable. I’ll definitely read more by Mary Carter!
Hot Wheels and High Heels by Jane Graves. Very trashy – but I read the whole thing, so…
Thunder Bay: A Cork O’Connor Mystery by William Kent Krueger. The latest book in this northern Minnesota mystery series focuses on Cork’s old friend Henry Meloux’s surprising past. I enjoyed this book more than I have the last few in the series.
A Charmed Death (Bewitching Mystery, Book 2) by Madelyn Alt. I swear I read the first book in this series (The Trouble with Magic), but either I missed it in my blog updates, or I read it before I started tracking my reading through the blog. This light paranormal mystery about Indiana witch Maggie O’Neill should not be confused with Charmed to Death, which is about Iowa witch Ophelia Jensen!

Knitting Update
I finished my Los Monos Locos on Saturday!

*sniff sniff sniff* -Mayhem

“These are acceptable.” -Mayhem

34 thoughts on “Monday meanderings”

  1. Go May with the super sonic sock sniffing.
    BTW, I was in the library looking at audio books (as I’m on the road quite a bit) and saw Wuthering Heights…I left it on the shelf as I know my auto insurance doesn’t cover suicide. I brought home Margaret George’s Helen of Troy instead. 😉

  2. I LOVE the way the crazy Monkeys turned out. Don’t burn out on reading – otherwise you’ll be stuck listening to me for the next few weeks…and oh, can I drone on and on and on and on and on….

  3. Have you read Stephanie Meyer’s vampire trilogy yet? I’ve read books 1 and 2 and loved them and just bought book 3. Along the same vein as the books you’ve been reading (heh, heh, couldn’t resist the bad pun). Socks are gorgeous!

  4. ‘My Sister is a Werewolf’ sounds hysterical. Is it as good as the title?

    I’m glad May approves of the socks. They are indeed quite acceptable.

  5. Tracey made me choke on my granola. I can just see the clause in the auto insurance contract “does not cover sudden suicidal urges due to certain desperately awful characters in Emily Bronte books”

    I just picked up some WKK books – I think Kristi recommended them somewhere.

  6. I like the swirly stripes on the socks very very much. Got a book reccy for you: In The Woods by Tana French. More of a mystery/murder novel than a murder mystery; well-written, excellent character development, intense. It’s the first book I’ve read in several months that I made extra reading time for.

  7. Hi there, love the socks
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