I know, I know, I thought we were done with Candy Cane Guy, too! Apparently he’s not done with us…
Remember when he lost his trademark jeans in that tragic fire? Apparently he didn’t have any trouble finding a place to stay after the fire.
But then he learned about the dangers of hunger and got really worried…
…so he had to grab some breakfast.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
…he was up to no good, I’m sure.
And then things got a little crowded and complicated. O_o
But in the end, he was left out in the cold, all alone.
Maybe he’s learned a lesson?! Nah. I bet we’ll see him again someday…
So it’s kind of fun to see some of the original stock images. Does this look familiar?
How about this?
And of course, how could we forget that classic pose that started it all?
“My goodness, Mom, that boy seems very naughty to me. Probably even naughtier than the big kitty.” -Mayhem
Hmm, I preferred him when I didn’t know what he looked like!
Haha, oh that guy gets around a lot, poor fellow all alone in the end
.-= blodeuedd´s last blog ..Review: Specials – Scott Westerfeld =-.
LOL, I think it’s hilarious that it takes 4 people to write “Hot Comfort”!
.-= Brigitte´s last blog ..Happy New Year! =-.
I’m agreeing with Mayhem. Even if they did plant a wholesome glass of milk on his breakfast table..
.-= trek´s last blog ..Veni, arti*, steeki? =-.
I agree with Mayhem, very naughty and oh so popular!
.-= Donna-FantasyDreamer´s last blog ..New Releases for Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy & YA Paranormal for the week of January 4, 2010 =-.
Mayhem understand the ways of the world very well!
.-= margene´s last blog ..Power Sweater =-.
This is awesome!!
But Mayhem looks supremely concerned. LOL!
that’s exactly what i look like right now, completely. except i’m about a million pounds heavier and my hair is really long and i’m not wearing a towel
.-= furiousball´s last blog ..As real as it may seem =-.
What on earth is he eating in that photo? It looks like a plate full of school glue… I’m rather concerned. Also, he has a bowl full of cereal with no milk.. you just KNOW he’s going to make a mess when he pours that cup of milk into his cornflakes… He’ll probably just stand there all aloof with his thumbs in his belt lops and expect someone else to clean it all up. Those stock photo guys are all the same…*hmpf*
.-= Mouse´s last blog ..Happy New Year! =-.
I think you are obsessed with that guy… I really do…
Look how innocent Mayhem the Pather princess is, in model pose as well..
.-= Erotic Horizon´s last blog ..Review – A Test Of Love & Blind Faith – Claire Thompson =-.
Crap. I just found more examples of Candy Cane Guy on covers. Will I never be free?!
I just realised the same as you did over at my blog, coming here at yours and seeing the same guy as on the Lust Bites cover of my post today. LOL! He’s got some nice abs *drool*
.-= ErotRomReader (Janna´s last blog ..Still catching up on some (short) reviews: Knight or Daye by Jude Mason =-.
Chris- That guy really gets around.
I wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole.
I’m sticking with my original ascertation that his head is all wrong for his body.
Well, May… there’s naughty, and then there’s NAUGHTY.
.-= Cheryl S.´s last blog ..2009 Recap =-.
I have to agree with cursingmama; that head just does not belong on that body!
.-= Julie´s last blog ..Friday with Clover =-.
I am starting to think you may need a content warning!
I think Lorraine has the right of it. If he’s been getting around that much, I certainly don’t want whatever he has!
(FYI – your book prize will be on your way to you later this week. Yay books in the mail!)
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Week 1: Urban Shaman =-.
Hilarious post! I have to agree with Mayhem on this one.
.-= Brenda´s last blog ..FO: Glace Vest =-.
Hmmmm…I’m with Mouse…looks like a piping hot bowl of Elmer’s Glue, to me. Mmmm…tasty. *blech!*
Too funny! Found you on ComLuv, adding you to my reader. I found DH on Match, so I used to internet date and am now into blogs too!
.-= The Local Cook´s last blog ..Pantry Essentials =-.
so, my guess is that they only get paid once for all those photos.
.-= Teyani´s last blog ..January in the NW =-.
Mayhem looks a little bit worried. Maybe a little less candy cane should be in her future.
.-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..working on a wrap up =-.
I’m laughing my but off! I love those covers and the cheesy poses:D
.-= beth´s last blog ..Duh?! =-.
Mayhem looks a little concerned!
He’ll be posing with kitties next.
.-= mrspao´s last blog ..Last FO of 09 =-.
Okay I’m with Mouse. I recognize the milk and apple that breakfast guy is eating, but what the heck are those other two things. One looks like a carrot soaked in white glue (appropriately pointing up) and the other looks like some bizarre form of mac and cheese.
I don’t know May, candy cane guy would have to work hard to be as naughty as big kitty has been lately.
.-= Sydney´s last blog ..Goodbye 2009. Don’t let the blue moon hit you on the way out the door. =-.
LOL Chris…
I think Mayhem is cuter than that well used Stock art guy!!
At least you got me smiling at the end of a long, long, long, long day…
It’s freaking freezing AND snowing here! *sigh*
I love these!
Hey honey… You crack me up! This is hilarious. I am not sure I will ever look at my covers the same – ever again!!! LMBO!!! I will be keeping a close eye on your my pretties!!! Heee heeee!!!
I do love May’s pose, she is such the Princess!
Have a great night/day hon!
is it horribly objectifying to say I prefer him when he’s headless? His face isn’t bad, just YOUNG looking. But the abs are… oh so fine.
hahaha!! See, this is why…how can I say this without being insulting…I prefer the headless covers – because while his abs are hot, his face is…I dont’ know, it doesn’t match, if that makes sense.
Boy, he sure does get around!
.-= Patti´s last blog ..Review: Tangled Up In You by Rachel Gibson =-.
LOL! How could I have missed CCG’s continuing exploits? What a wildman!
.-= Carolyn Crane´s last blog ..It’s still Tuesday in Hawaii, right? (Book trailers!) =-.
He’s on KA Mitchell’s Diving in Deep cover. But looking slightly more pissed of, and wet. He’ll always be be Noah to me because he was there first.