“So this is the new year, and I don’t feel any different.”

– Death Cab for Cutie, “The New Year” (No, really, I haven’t used this title before. Really. See? Similar, but different.)

I realized that I was running out of time to do a 2009 in review post and not have it be utterly silly. So, allow me to present my year in reading and knitting.

In 2009, I read a lot. Really. A lot. Um, 811 books is a lot, right?! Here’s the complete list, sorted by rating and then by author. You’ll notice that there are some books that look as if I read them in 2010 – those are rereads that I also read in 2009. (For reference, I read 388 books in 2008.)

My now beloved ebook reader had a huge impact on my reading last year. Although I didn’t get the reader until April, I read 500 ebooks last year; 445 of those were m/m titles. At this point, I would rather read ebooks than print books!

Please note that part of the reason for what looks like a crazy number of books read last year is because ebooks tend to be shorter overall than print books. While I tagged 79 books as shorts (all were ebooks), I didn’t start using that tag until a few months ago.

In 2009, I completed two reading challenges by joining them after I had met the requirements: 2009 Support Your Local Library Challenge and 100+ Reading Challenge. That’s apparently the secret for me and challenges – find out about them after I’ve completed them without knowing I’ve completed them. 🙂

This was not a good year for knitting, due to neck/back pain and lack of inspiration. (And, sadly, 2010 isn’t off to a great start knittingwise.) I completed a neck cozy, a baby blanket, a sweater that was mostly already knit, some bibs, and seven pairs of socks.

“Um, Mom? Those knitters aren’t stupid. They’re going to remember that you posted this same sock done to the same point already. But whatever. It’s your blog, your shame. Doesn’t mean I have to stick around to witness it.” -Chaos

45 thoughts on ““So this is the new year, and I don’t feel any different.””

  1. Ha, this is probably bad but I went straight to the bottom of your list to see what were the worst you read. LOL

    The only one of your bottom 10 I had read was Pretty Man and I hated it too. And I had a couple of GA Hauser DNFs but not those particular ones.

    I can’t believe you keep such good track. Well done. I don’t even know exactly how many I read last year because I didn’t start keeping track of what I read until that blog thingy which started in March.

  2. wow – I thought I read a lot… a personal best of 152. That seems so pitiful now. I do expect that this year there will be a reading explosion – I’m getting a Nook 🙂

  3. Major WOW over that list. You are a book goddess!

    I wonder if getting an e-reader will help my poorly flagging reading rate. I think I can count my book total for last year on my fingers (and maybe a few toes). 🙁

  4. That’s an impressive amount of reading, no matter the format. I listen to most of my books now, and am going to keep track of my reading this year. There will be less than 2009, though, since I am not going to be in the car nearly as much.

  5. You go girl!

    I don’t keep that close track of my reading for the year. I’m pretty sure the number would have my husband in fits – he already thinks I read too much.
    *insert eye roll here*
    I keep trying to get him to read too but he says he has to work on finishing the house remodeling… what’s another 7 years with it half finished?
    .-= Miranda´s last blog ..Contest Bar =-.

    1. Janna – It’s kinda hard to tell in my ereader, which has wonky pagination, but anywhere from 4 pages to probably 50/70. Maybe a better definition would be that it took less than a half hour to read.

  6. I think that you did a decent amount of knitting given how much distraction reading, two cats, and pain was giving you. Besides, 7 pairs of socks is really nothing to sneeze at!
    .-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..finally =-.

  7. That’s a huge reading list! I suppose if I added in all the scientific papers I read, I’d be in the 100s instead of 50-60 books, but that’s kind of depressing to think about, even though I love science.

    I hope you can become inspired and pain-free enough to knit some more! You live in the perfect climate for hand knits after all. And Marina would really like you to knit more; I don’t know her, but I get the inkling she’s into the knitting.
    .-= Brenda´s last blog ..Two WIPs: Only One Requires a Brain =-.

  8. You know it’s pretty bad when Chaos won’t even stick around for the knitting pics. 😉

    Holy crap! 811 books! It’s a good thing so many of them are electronic or the floor would probably fall through.
    .-= Sydney´s last blog ..Snow Days =-.

  9. I thouhgt my 376 from last year was good but…811. I bow down.

    My knitting was worse than yours this year. I didn’t knit anything at all, I’m ashamed to realise. I need to get some stuff done. i realise I miss it.
    .-= Sayuri´s last blog ..Hard Act To Follow =-.

  10. I think you should knit socks for all your friends who live in cold, snowy places. *ahem*

    You realize I’m in the state nextdoor, right?

    Well, gotta go. My tootsies are chilly; must rustle up some of my threadbare foot coverings. *sniff*
    .-= K. Z. Snow´s last blog ..Another Contract =-.

  11. I think the Tequila Sunrise socks are really beautiful. Actually, they’re all quite striking.

    Just sayin’.

    (Maybe I can get the dog to lie on my feet…if I hide Milkbones under them.)
    .-= K. Z. Snow´s last blog ..Another Contract =-.

    1. *snort* You are so subtle, KZ… not. 😉 I have a spare, super crabby growly hissy black cat who might be able to keep those feet warm – if only because of the blood flowing from the scratches he would inflict!

  12. Wow, reading your number of books is like going in my favorite Facebook game from 2nd place (need 189 points to catch up) to 4th place (need 311 points to catch up)! I’m in awe!
    .-= elspeth´s last blog ..Monster Hospital =-.

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