– Death Cab for Cutie, “The New Year”
- I had this grand plan of having a 2009 in review post all ready to go for today.
- I even worked on it at Spyhouse Coffee Friday!
- Well, sort of worked and sort of hung out with CJ while she sort of worked, too (click on the comic to embiggen):
(idea totally glommed from Paperback Writer)
- Anyway, that was before I worked a full day Sunday and my schedule got all messed up.
- My work week is Monday through Friday, barring a crisis.
- There was a crisis.
- The Y2010 Crisis, to be exact.
- Or would that be Y2K10?
- It was caused, for my company, by programmers (at two separate external vendors) who apparently dealt with Y2K very sloppily.
- Thus instead of 2009 rolling smoothly over into 2010, it rolled over into… 2000.
- My quickie fix to get us back up and running will only work until 2019, but hey, at least we know there’s a problem this time and that we have nine years to fix it!
- Anyone want to take bets what we’ll be working on December 31, 2018?
- Chaos puked on a library book with deckle-edged pages (thanks for that bit of book trivia, Marji!).
- It looks like something far, far worse happened to the book.
- I believe that I have just purchased Visions in White by Nora Roberts.
- No way am I taking the book in to the library. I’m just going to tell them it was lost.
- They don’t need to see what it looks like. Trust me on this one.
- Let’s see, what else has been going on? Oh! It’s been bitterly cold here.
- Saturday morning it was -17F/-27.2C (not counting windchill) at 9:30 am when I went out to make sure my car would start so I could drive to a family gathering 60 miles away.
- It started. Go, car!
- Some of you from colder climes will already know this, but at -17F, when you drop into your car seat? It has no give whatsoever.
- Your face starts to stiffen up moments after being outside, too.
- And your home tends to make alarming booming sounds as it contracts. O_o
- Good thing our family gathering turned out to be a lot of fun, eh?
- My stepmom made gluten-free lasagna!
- And my SIL made chocolate-covered gluten-free pretzels for me to bring home!
- How has the New Year been treating all of you?
“Whoa. Who spiked the ‘nip on New Year’s?!” -Chaos
Happy New Year! Hope things improve at work from now on.
.-= mrspao´s last blog ..2009 review =-.
LOL on the car seat comment!!
Happy New Year to all of you too! I can’t believe you had to work NYE… Ick! No idea if we had such problems; the beauty of no longer doing support.
.-= Brigitte´s last blog ..Happy New Year! =-.
Happy New Years again hon…
When I grow up – guess what I want to be you….
Who else has all these drama’s and gets to spike the poor baby’s nips….
Bad mommy….
.-= Erotic Horizon´s last blog ..January 3rd – Allow yourself to yield =-.
And here I was, feeling sorry for myself, waiting for the school bus in socks (on the porch) in 19°F weather…
Those are some mighty cold car seats.
PS – I’d say Y2K10.
.-= trek´s last blog ..Veni, arti*, steeki? =-.
Well, at least Vision in White is a good book… Is it still readable, for you?
.-= Kat with a K´s last blog ..Favorite apps? =-.
I thought about you every time the temperature in MN came up…grrl, you got it cold!
Chaos must know how to party in the New Year.
.-= margene´s last blog ..The End =-.
that’s a cat, i win again
.-= furiousball´s last blog ..E Chromatic =-.
Maybe call the library? I imagine they have salvaged worse. Ramsey Co. library has a newish policy – the lost book fee is much more than the purchase price. (I suppose to cut down on people who just won’t look for that book.)
It’s been bitterly cold here, too – last night it dipped down to -26. GAH.
I think they should rename Minnesota ‘Pseudo-Canada’.
Happy New Year! It’s cold (-10°C) and it’s started to snow and my head hurts like hell (because just a day ago we had +15°C)… you could say I’m having a good New Year start
.-= Host´s last blog ..HIS DARKEST HUNGER by Juliana Stone =-.
At -17F I am pretty sure I would just pull the covers back over my head and stay in bed until the weather warmed up a bit. Brrrrr!
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..Endings and beginnings =-.
Happy New Year Chris!
Ack sorry about the work crisis – but yah re the fix – by you..
Sounds like a good family gathering.
It’s freaking freezing here too… about the same as in your neck of the woods with the windchill. I have to put 2 coats on Tori for her to go outside.
Chaos! You have the good life man!
Best to you Chris..
It has been a looooong time since I’ve had to deal with -17F weather. There are good points to living in the south, after all.
I hope you like your new book…
.-= naomi´s last blog ..busybusybusy =-.
My little forecastfox says it is -13 right this moment. My son went to school in a sweatshirt, no jacket. He must be a true Minnesotan – or a teenager.
Chris-It’s darn cold here as well- leather seats are not an asset in the cold, are they?
I’m sure the library has seen worse than kitty ralph.
OMG! I love your comic of us. I look so serious and you are a CAT!! And I can’t believe you had to go in Sunday! I was like, I’m not going anywhere.
2010 crisis – yikes! Also, I do believe it was me bugging you at the coffee shop.
.-= Carolyn Crane´s last blog ..How my post on Meredith Duran’s Bound by Your Touch got hijacked! =-.
I was able to work from the comfort of my coach in my bathrobe, if that helps.
LOL – I totally didn’t have enough frames in the comic for all the staring off into space and at the other patrons that both of us did!
So was it all the ‘nip that made him puke?? We want to see a photo of the book, you know we do.
And I don’t miss that cold one bit. Give me rain for four months straight anytime.
.-= Lorette´s last blog ..How Did It Know?? =-.
You won’t be working on anything on Dec 31st, 2018 because by then you’ll have forgotten about it much like the people who “fixed” the Y2K bug 10 years ago forgot that they didn’t really fix it, they hacked it. What the heck is CommentLuv and why do I want it enabled?
If you still had a blog, it would show the title of your latest blog post, complete with a link to it.
Mercury’s in retrograde.
.-= Cheryl S.´s last blog ..Brrrrr, it’s cold! =-.
Brrr… Did your boogers freeze, too?
.-= wren´s last blog ..Jazz and Riley 3 (Cat Pee) =-.
Brrrr, Chaos has the right idea for coping with the cold.
.-= Kat´s last blog ..pints =-.
Excellent comic. Are you sure you never had children? That’s what parenting is like, too.
I’ll see your -17ËšF and rais–, er, lower you to -31Ëš. That was the temp here a couple nights ago when I made my 3am bathroom run. And that was INSIDE the house.
.-= kmkat´s last blog ..Heads. And helicopters. =-.
Oh my Chris!! I am glad that overall you had a great time. Consider yourself the Hero to the Rescue for work! You go girl!!!
Someone spiked the nip huh Chaos, lol!!! Sha ~ to cute!
Oh wow, that cold huh. Brrrr just thinking about it!
Gluten free, my Mom was just placed on a gluten free diet… do you get recipes from somewhere? Curious. If not, no biggie!
Happy New Year! So glad your car started!
Dolly threw up a couple weeks ago, right on a book that was laying on the bed. Luckily, it was one I had bought for $1 at a library book sale!
.-= janna´s last blog ..Happy New Year! =-.
Chaos seems to be living it up a bit more than he can handle.
Bummer on the cold weather! It wasn’t so bad in Wisconsin over Christmas, however, there hasn’t been more than an hour of sun every few days wherever I’ve been the past 3 weeks.
.-= Brenda´s last blog ..Foul Weather Thwarts FO photoshoots =-.
Whoa… I didn’t think there’d be any problems w/ 2010… but looks like the fun family do and food more than balanced out that!
Poor library book…
.-= limedragon :-: Harri´s last blog ..Super Quick Post =-.
Uck. Cat puke on library books. As a former library clerk, I cannot thank you enough for not subjecting the staff to it. =) Now if only we can get rid of the (still moist) baby spit and cold germs…
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Looking Forward, Looking Back =-.
Oh, poor Chaos. The downside of overindulging.
Sitting in a coffee house with you and CJ (not) being productive sounds like great fun.
Though IDK if I could handle that weather! I don’t think I’ve ever been in weather below 20F.
I think I’ll have to check out the Comment Luv thing for my WP.
.-= Renee´s last blog ..Top 5 Reads of 2009 =-.
Sounds as if you had a good New Year in spite of the work-induced Chaos! (Or is that the Chaos-induced work?)
Happy New Year!
I had a birthday/New Year’s party, two game days (on the same day), and a hockey game to attend. It was a great weekend, but exhausting.
.-= Seanna Lea´s last blog ..working on a wrap up =-.
I’m thinkin’ that you shouldn’t let Chaos do your book reviews anymore….
I am furiously working on my tan. At this stage I remain pasty. I cannot believe it is so cold over there!
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Best TV from 2009. =-.
Happy New Year! Sorry you had to buy a book unexpectedly. So far my puker hasn’t hit anything that wasn’t mine…
I have no resolutions, either.
Chaos, what an undignified position.
Doesn’t everybody throw accidentally damaged books down the Return Chute in the middle of the night, and claim that the previous borrower must have done it?
Still happily resolution free. Happy 20k10whatever
.-= Mary Lou´s last blog ..Holiday Wrap Up =-.
minus 17… and your boogers freeze too.
.-= lisa´s last blog ..first started and finished project of 2010 =-.
Jeanne is probably right. Everyone will have forgotten about the 2010 bug by the time 2019 rolls around. Hey at least you didn’t have to go in.
Chaos must have had a little too much fun New Years Eve.
He’s been on a roll lately.
.-= Sydney´s last blog ..Goodbye 2009. Don’t let the blue moon hit you on the way out the door. =-.
Oh when will this cold end. Glad you had a good time at the gathering and that everyone gave to tasty treats.
.-= ikisti´s last blog ..Sugar over load =-.
Heee @ Chaos
I’ve had Atonement from Blockbuster for two months..just got a $5.50 bill in the mail..score!
I hope it warms up…it was 22 here today and my heater has been running nonstop
Oh, that stinks about the Y2K glitches at work! I’d already forgotten about that episode in our electronic history.
Try and stay warm, just reading how cold it is there makes it hard for me to get out of bed here — it’s only 21F here compared to you.
.-= Donna-FantasyDreamer´s last blog ..New Releases for Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy & YA Paranormal for the week of January 4, 2010 =-.
Yikes, that’s cold! I’d definitely just cough up the cash for the Nora Roberts book; there’s no need to freak out the poor librarians.
Y2K10 — I didn’t see that one coming.
Who knew Y2K wasn’t over! Hopefully they’ll actually work on it over the next 9 years!
.-= elspeth´s last blog ..You Look Mahvelous =-.
-17 should be illegal.
booming noises? omgosh…
and the whole visions in white thing – errr.. it must have been the way a bunch of us have been thinking……… I also succumbed. hah
.-= Teyani´s last blog ..January in the NW =-.
And I thought it was cold here at 27, and 16F. At least we’re in the positives.
YAY for you for fixing the company’s computer crises. I think this calls for extra catnip all around, though the non-spiked kind! Chaos looks like he needs to recover a little from the spiked one!
.-= Debby´s last blog ..Happy 2010! =-.
Y2K10 bug? And we didn’t even think to worry about it. Imagine that.
Oh and -17 is {{{cold}}}
.-= Leeuna´s last blog ..Looney and Doofus – a tale of two idiots – part I =-.