A contest of dubious value (along with some perfectly fine contests, a swap, and more!)

Running a bit late today, aren’t I? I wrote my post Monday evening as per usual, but when I got to work this morning (where I proof and publish), our building didn’t have any power. After two hours, we were sent home – something about 20 transformers being down. Glad to be home in the air conditioning, because it’s going to be a hot and sticky day in the Twin Cities.

Anyway! At the end of May, I dyed a lot of yarn, most of which was destined to be gifted to various knitbloggers during my vacation. However, one very pretty skein of sock yarn (the blue and black skein in the previous link) was unable to fulfill that destiny due to an extremely unfortunate accident. (Well, I saw it as an accident. For Mayhem, it was an intent.) When that blue and black yarn was hanging in the bathroom drying, I heard a mysterious soft “thwoomp” from the bathroom. By the time I realized I should probably investigate that sound, it was too late – May had pulled down the yarn and her sharp teeth were snickity-snicking through a number of the strands, turning the skein from “Blueberry” to “Biteberry.”

“Enough with the accusations. Would I do something like that?! Look at how sweet and cute I am!” -Mayhem

This yarn needs a very special home. If you think you can provide that home and not mind dealing with the additional 12 or so ends that Mayhem created, please send an email to my contest line before 6 pm CDT Friday, July 20. (Hey, I said it was a somewhat dubious contest!) (Additional yarn vital stats – the base yarn in Kraemer Jeannie, a superwash wool and nylon blend. Prior to biting, there were around 470 yards.)

On to some less dubious contests – the Heathen Housewife is giving away a copy of Victorian Lace Today and a skein of laceweight yarn. Leave her a comment with your email address before 8 pm CDT, July 20.

Ruth is having a contest – in her comments, leave a link to your first and 100th blog posts, or if you don’t have a blog, to the blog post that really got you into reading blogs. Contest closes midnight MDT, July 20, and the prize will be yarn and “baubles.”

If you’re interested in dyeing and swapping sock yarn, there’s a hand-dyed sock yarn swap on swap-bot. Deadline to sign up is August 10 and deadline to send is September 30.

Reading Update
Love Bites by Lynsay Sands. Um, I can’t believe I actually read this. Paranormal romance at its most trashy and poorly written. You have been warned!
Thunderbird Falls and Coyote Dreams by C.E. Murphy. I enjoyed books two and three of the Walker Papers (about neophyte urban shaman and police officer Joanne Walker) as much as I did the first. Hopefully Ms. Murphy is busily writing, because I want to find out what happens next! (For those who are reading this series, there’s sort of a book 1.5 between Urban Shaman and Thunderbird Falls – the novella “Banshee Cries,” which can be found in Winter Moon.)
Key Lime Pie Murder by Joanne Fluke. The latest Hannah Swensen mystery is par for the course – kind of simplistic and contrived… but I keep reading them, maybe because they’re set in a fictitious Minnesota town.

Curious about what I got up to over the weekend? Miss T and Deb have documented the event very well! Thanks, Miss T!

The Guardian has an interesting article about splogs (spam blogs that steal content to generate ad dollars).

Some time ago, KnitNana sent me a postcard that reminded her of Chaos.

What do you think? Can you see a resemblance?

“Pooey on you, Mom. I am so much more handsome than that poser!” -Chaos

44 thoughts on “A contest of dubious value (along with some perfectly fine contests, a swap, and more!)”

  1. I love that picture of Chaos with a little bit of his tongue hanging out. I have a picture of my cat Misery (who is Chaos’ double) looking like that and it cracks me up every time.

  2. I think Chaos has been posing behind your back…maybe while on vacation? He’s bringing home the tuna while you’re not looking!

  3. Hee hee… You know, I never had a problem with Atticus or Mae chomping on yarn, Gandalf on the other hand…

    That’s such a funny picture of Chaos with his little pink tongue sticking out like that. He really does look disgusted at that picture!

  4. Thank you for the link to the Guardian. That’s VERY interesting reading. And, regarding spammer in blog comments, mine have almost stopped completely since I dropped the links to Technoratti.

  5. The soft thwoomp is deceptive. You wait for the crash or bang to follow. When it doesn’t you assume it’s nothing.

    Looks like Chaos has a modeling job on the side. LOL!

  6. I was wondering where your post was this morning! I am definitely going to check out that CE Murphy series – I’m looking for a good one.

    Tell Chaos he is definitely the handsomer of the two!

  7. “I would NEVER be so uncouth… stick my tongue out that far. Hmph”

    In our house, Cosmo/Chaos is the yarn biter. Danger/Mayhem is the one who attacks needles. Something going on in the wormhole, methinks.

  8. Oh May, what a stinker you are. LOL.
    Chaos, you are sooo much more handsome, um, I was going to say, “and dignified”, but well, your tongue is hanging out.

  9. Oh man, I hate the THWOOMP! Just this weekend Dallas thwoomped a skein of Yarn Nerd, and I looked outside to see it strung over the entire backyard. It looked like Silly String!

  10. “transformers”? Don’t remind me of my marathon trip to NYC with a kid in tow! I love the yarn, and I’m sure it’ll be even better with the claw marks – do we get an autograph to go along with it? 😉 (I mean Chaos’ of course)

  11. Mayhem owns that yarn! I’d love to win it and knit+felt a kitty toy for her. Kitty chomp and claw marks all but dissappear with felting and she’d still have her beloved yarn dyed by mom! I love hearing about your reading.

  12. Stupid MSN!! Whenever I try to click on a link to someone’s email it tells me they are working on the problem. They’ve been working for over 6 months now!

    Please email me! I want to join your contest.


  13. lol
    yes Chaos you are handsomer then him lol

    and yes May you are to cute for words but ummm you aren’t named Mayhem for nothing and i am sure cute as you are you live up to that name from time to time lol

    “Biteberry” love thatQ!

  14. Man, those Joanna Fluke novels are crazy-making. I keep listening to them even though I frequently want to throttle the main character and put her out of her misery! But heck, just about every mystery story on CD at the library gets its chance with me.

  15. Haha, that last picture is brilliant. I love it when the power goes out at work, but I fear of being stuck there without books or knitting! I read the Joanne Fluke books too…I wish the Mike/Norman thing would get done with already (but I haven’t read the latest two yet).

  16. lol, i posted a comment this morning but it didn’t stick. Your cat cracks me up. Makes me think of “stalker kitty” that has adopted us. Same facial expression!

  17. Oh Mayhem, you sure are living up to your name LOL!

    You have the same taste in yarn as Thunder ;0) Of course you can only check by biting through it…..

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