Monster Mayhem!

Think happy lucky upgrade thoughts my way tonight and over the weekend – after days of backing up and otherwise prepping Kenshin (my main laptop), I’ll be upgrading from Vista to Windows 7. (If interested, you can read a few of my thoughts on Vista from last year, plus pick up a tasty gf snickerdoodle recipe at the same time.)

Moonsanity has links to several H. P. Lovecraft stories. Let’s just say that the only time in my life that I’ve slept with the light on was after reading H. P. Lovecraft…

Head over to Fang-tastic Books for your chance to win a really cool prize pack containing the Blood Ties dvds, books, and a Fang-tastic Books tote bag. Winner will be announced on the morning of October 31.

If you’re looking for classic horror films to watch over the weekend, you might find some at Classic Cinema Online, which is a free streaming service.

Cool – turn pumpkins into black kitties!

Hmm. Not sure I’d live through trying this at home

Given the chance, Chaos would so do this

Aw, the softer side of Basement Cat.

Hmm. Did I already link to teh ebil veggee?

Today I am a Monster Princess! Boo!” -Mayhem

Have a happy and safe Halloween, everyone!

29 thoughts on “Monster Mayhem!”

  1. Boo Back Mayhem…

    Happy Halloween to everyone at Casa de Chaos!

    Good luck with the upgrade, techy stuff.. 😉

    Hey, the positive is in these parts we get an extra hour of sleep over the weekend… 😉

  2. Hee hee…usually if any of the cats want to “help” with the hobbies, it’s not the way I’d hoped.

    Good luck with the upgrade! Windows 7 is supposed to be so much better…

  3. Good luck with your upgrade! One of our grad students, who used to work for Geek Squad, has been using Windows 7 for a while, and he seems to like it (he doesn’t talk much).

    Happy Halloween to all!

  4. Hey Chris!!! OMG… I am dying at some of those pictures!!! I hope you and your kitties have a great Halloween weekend!! Thank you for the warm birthday wishes!!! (((Super hug to you))) Thank you for your friendship more than anything!!! I am so glad that I have found friends like you!!!! =)

  5. see, Basement Cat isn’t all evil… he’d like the kisses on the head… (or not. but either way I still feel the desire do to it LOL)

  6. Good luck with the upgrade. We’ve had good luck going going from Vista to Windows 7. Unfortunately, I’m running XP, so I keep putting it off. 🙂

    Katie likes to help with my hobbies, but it doesn’t always go so well. 🙂

  7. Good luck with the upgrade. I’ve been pondering it myself….let me know how it goes! I’m one of the few that actually doesn’t mind Vista, but I’ve heard good things about Windows 7…

  8. I’m very interested in your upgrade adventure. I’ve been thinking of upgrading my laptop from Vista 64-bit to Windows 7. Was actually thinking of doing it next week by taking it to work and letting the guys there mess with it. I work in the IT dept., so I figured I might as well take advantage of that. 😉

    Have a Happy Halloween!

  9. Good luck with the upgrade! I’ve been thinking of upgrading…but then I think of how horrible Vista has been and how great it was supposed to be and I get all scared…

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