And now she is 1

Reading Update
Bit the Jackpot by Erin McCarthy. Another steamy Vegas Vampires book. Fun and light.
Murder of a Small-Town Honey
and Murder of a Sweet Old Lady by Denise Swanson. Cozy mysteries about Skye Denison, a school psychologist in Scumble River, Illinois.

Birthday Update
Happy birthday, Mayhem!! Although you’re all grown up now, you will always be my Kitten Girl. (Actual size of that “huge” blue mouse below? 2.25 inches… Actual size now of Mayhem’s back leg from toe to knee? 4.5 inches…)

There will be a contest to celebrate her birthday – but it’s going to be after I get back back from Colorado, near the end of June.

“But… I still feel like a kitten…” -Mayhem

71 thoughts on “And now she is 1”

  1. She’s ONE?!?!!? How did that happen??? Didn’t you just get her?? OMG that went WAY too fast!! Congrats to little kitty, may you live many more.

    BTW the dyed yarn looks great and a lot of fun!

  2. well on THIS side of the world all the cute kitties are born in October and November.
    Oakley and Ms Sophie send birthday greetings.

  3. Just catching up on past notes and saw the mention of Madwoman gluten free foods. I live in CA and am considering ordering a combo… this would be a bit pricey though? Would it be worth it? Are they really yummy?

  4. aww! happy birthday may!!!

    wah! i’m going to miss both earl AND napoleon’s birthdays… *sniffle* it’s just not fair!
    my boys will be one and two!!!

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