How did it get to be Monday again?!

  • And stop back tomorrow for a new book contest…
  • This time we went to the Paperback Exchange, which has an impressive selection of used romances.
  • Along with a rather complicated trade-in system that took us a long time to decipher from our receipts later.
  • Fortunately, we were comfortably seated in Dragonfly Coffee, which is right next to the Paperback Exchange.
  • I’m so going back to Dragonfly again, because they had gluten-free muffins and bars!
  • Sadly, I wasn’t hungry while we was there.
  • After I posted that, the radio didn’t come on for two days.
  • Not intermittent, true, but not exactly what I was hoping for.
  • Thanks to everyone who commented or sent email last week with reading and book-related song ideas! Now I just have to track down a few of those and integrate them with what I have…

“When the contest is finally over will I be able to get off the books, Mom? Please? My butt is getting sore.” -Mayhem

29 thoughts on “How did it get to be Monday again?!”

  1. Oooo, a coffee shop that has g/f food! You must have a g/f magnet on you, I’m still convinced I wouldn’t have found the bakery here that we discovered had you not been with me!

    Hi Mayhem! *pat pat pat*

  2. I think I need to visit Minneapolis sounds like you guys have so much fun! Coffee shops and book stores – two of my favorite things.

    I know, Monday *sigh*…

  3. I have my weekly meeting with my boss every Monday at 11 a.m. *sigh*

    May is doing an excellent job guarding the books. They don’t seem to have moved at all. 😉

  4. Oh goodness, I’m going to have to take some time out to sample that Vampire Life mix! Too cool! I forwarded the link to Drew too as I’m sure he’ll find some inspiration for next year’s (vol 3) Halloween Mix.

  5. Hey Chris! I want to go to the stores with you!! LOL!!
    **Really… Can’t we mix up the days of the week… And let Monday be Friday or even Thursday or something like that**

    Oh, Mayhem, you know you are going to miss sitting on those books, don’t worry though… I am sure Mommy will find some more for you to sit on!!!
    Have a great day Chris!

  6. We used to live just a few blocks from Paperback Exchange. I seem to remember their exchange system was so complicated that I never took advantage of it…

  7. Car radios are notoriously thin skinned. Hopefully it’ll behave and play WELL.

    A paw print! Almost as good as a cat. 🙂 Sorry to hear about the Great Grass Massacre!

  8. Monday Monday Monday — ugh! Sounds like a great weekend though!

    Hey Mayhem, darling, maybe you’d be more comfy if you just stretched out and rubbed yourself all over everything? So, y’know, the books come with extra love? 🙂

    ~bella (& Pablo)

  9. I love the name of the coffee shop! Too cool. Oh, and the Moxy Fruvous song I told you about is on iTunes. (I checked.)

    I seem to have better luck with my car radio. It does “radio prophet” stuff for me – used to joke with friends about DJs playing us 3-song horoscopes. It’s all fun.

  10. Ah, books and cats. Nothing better.

    I know the real reason you went to the Paperback Exchange, to replace all of the books in the giveaway! Can’t have any empty spaces on those shelves, because winter is coming, right?! 😉

  11. You would love Diesel near where I live. They have a lot of gluten free tasty treats! They also have doggie treats (I don’t think they have kitty treats, because most cat owners don’t walk them on leashes to the coffee shop and back) and other delicious items.

  12. Seriously, your car didn’t like all the blog attention?? Ah well… no worries, you can now pass the spotlight back to Princess Mayhem.
    (and here’s hoping that your tunes begin to work again)

  13. Oh, looks like fun! We have two used bookstores around here. One I like a lot but the hours are 9-5 T-Sat. So, the only day I can go is on Saturdays. The other, the guy smokes in his bookstore. Ewww! *holds nose* So I don’t go there for books.

    Mayhem’s going miss the ol’ throne when their gone. 😉

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