Super Fantastic Mega Bookity Linkity!

For your chance to win in the Completely Out-of-Control, Over-the-Top Book Giveaway, comment on the contest post before 7 pm CDT, Monday, October 26. I will randomly pick at least three winners, each of whom will be able to select up to five books.

Congrats to Donna S, CC, Cherie J, Chey, and Jeannette Juan, who each won a copy of Shannon K. Butcher’s Love You To Death!

Anna’s giving away a big box of books, too. Enter before October 31 for your chance to win.

Fantasy and Sci-Fi Lovin’ Giveaways is giving away a copy of the short story collection Zombie Raccoons and Killer Bunnies. Enter by October 30 for your chance to win.

Donna (Fantasy Dreamer) is giving away three copies of the graphic novel Lenore: Noogies. Contest closes at midnight CDT, October 24.

Cecile is giving away a copy of Winter’s Desire, a collection of steamy stories related to the Solstice. Contest closes October 23. is giving away an ebook copy of Roxanne Rhoads’ latest er0tic paranormal novella, Eternal Desire, along with some Fang-tastic Books goodies. Contest closes at 11:59 pm EST, October 26. He’s also giving away a copy of R.A. Salvatore’s The Ghost King; that contest closes at 11:59 pm EST, October 25.

For a chance to win a copy of Mr. Darcy, Vampyre, stop by Fang-tastic Books and leave a comment. Not sure when this one closes.

Abigail at All Things Urban Fantasy is giving away a copy of one of Marta Acosta’s Casa Dracula books. Leave a comment by midnight MST, October 27, for your chance to win.

Lots of blogs are participating in the Hatchette Book Group’s Spine-Chilling Book Giveaway, in which three winners (at each participating blog) will win copies of The Historian, BoneMan’s Daughters, When Ghosts Speak, Sins of the Flesh, and The Heretic’s Daughter. Stop by Fang-tastic Books (winners selected October 30), Patricia’s Vampire Notes (closes November 8, 11:59 pm Hawaiian), Vampire Wire (closes November 4), and (closes November 1, 11:59 pm EST) to enter.

Knittymama wishes there were more knitting book and magazine reviews out there in knitting blogland. To encourage people to write some, she’s having a contest. Check out the details – if you participate before November 1, you could win a custom project bag or needle roll in your choice of fabric, plus other goodies.

Largehearted Boy is giving away five copies of Josh Bazell’s thriller, Beat the Reaper, along with a t-shirt that corresponds to the first line of the novel, plus assorted books and cds. Enter before the evening of October 23 for your chance to win.

Fantasy Book Critic is giving away three sets of Vampires by Joules Taylor and Werewolves by Jon Izzard. Contest closes at 12:01 pm, October 27.

Samhain Publishing’s giving away free ebook short stories every day from October 15 through the end of the month. Books are announced on the Samhellion blog each day. You send an email to the address in the blog post and get a download link back.

Gizmo’s Freeware has a list of nearly 200 places to find free and legal ebook downloads. posted an exhaustive list of new releases, author interviews, and contests. Literary Escapism also has a good list. And today’s the day that Donna (Fantasy Dreamer) puts out her weekly newsletter post, which is always chock full of good stuff.

I’m amazed at how many vampire books are coming out in October.

Did you know it’s Teen Read Week?

Check out the directory of used bookstores featuring romances over at Book Binge. Smart Bitches has something similar, only as a map.

Interested in making your own color (LCD) ebook reader from a tablet PC for about $200?

I’m always intrigued by bookholders – Paperback Writer reviews one that’s new to me.

Follow Amy’s adventures over at A Closer Look at Flyover Land as she participates in the Twin Cities Literary Scavenger Hunt.

Looking for some Halloween music to listen to? Salad Days Music has quite the playlist posted, along with a really amusing carved pumpkin scene.

If you like indie/alternative music, check out the Daytrotter Sessions – free and legal mp3s of some of your favorite songs. I highly recommend Blitzen Trapper’s session from last fall, which includes a great version of “Furr” (“…a fantastic tale of lycanthropic yearning”).

Lots has been written about the new FTC disclosure rules for blogs, which go into effect December 1. Additional info suggests that small book bloggers probably won’t be affected. Anyway, I’m pretty sure I always mention when a book I’m reviewing was received from the publisher as a review copy, and I will continue to do so. And publishers? Sending me a review copy does not mean that I will give the book a favorable review. 🙂 My main sources for books are the library and my own purchases. I do belong to the IndieBound Affiliate Program, but as far as I know, I haven’t actually earned anything. I’m in it for the nifty book cover thumbnails and links, actually, and not to make any money.

Related to all of that, Racy Romance Reviews has an interesting post about book blogging and book promotion.

Reading Update
Must Love Hellhounds by Charlaine Harris, Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, and Meljean Brook. I only read the stories by Nalini Singh (good, set before Angel’s Blood) and Meljean Brook (good Guardians story). Since I haven’t read any of the Kate Daniels books by Ilona Andrews yet, I decided to save that story for after I had. And I don’t really care for the Britlingen stories by Charlaine Harris, so I didn’t bother with that one.
Dreaming of You by Ethan Day. ebook. Another good m/m romance from Ethan Day. This one’s about a guy who’s been in love the perfect man for years and years, but that man doesn’t exist outside of his dreams… or does he? Hope Ethan Day is busily writing more, because he’s on my must-buy list now.
Tall, Mean and Darkly by A.J. Llewellyn & Stephani Hecht. ebook. So you’re a guy whose beloved wife gets hit by a bus and as she dies in your arms, she promises to come back to you, somehow. And she does… as a guy.
Handyman by Claire Thompson. ebook. Decent m/m romance about a day trader who moves to a small town to get away from the stress of Wall Street.
Adder by Ally Blue. ebook. This m/m romance had Ally Blue’s usual excellent writing, but the two main characters (Adder and Kalil) and their completely messed up dynamic never really engaged me.
Making It Up by T.C. Blue. ebook. I have really mixed feelings about this m/m romance. Although the basic story and writing were fine, I was frustrated about two major points. The first was the shifting point of view – the story shifted around and was told from various people’s perspectives, often differing from paragraph to paragraph and with little or no warning. I found this more confusing than helpful. The second? I wanted to slap the three main male characters throughout much of the book, which isn’t conducive to a good reading experience.
Just for You by Jet Mykles. ebook. Really good m/m romance about a guy who pretends to be gay in order to get around his controlling female supervisor by talking to his company’s owners at an exclusive gay club. Too bad his feelings for his alleged boyfriend get so complicated…
The Heaven Sent series (Heaven, Purgatory, Hell, Faith, and Genesis) by Jet Mykles. ebooks. Very good m/m romance series about the band Heaven Sent. Each book follows one of the band members as he stumbles toward love.
Nick of Time by T.C. Blue. ebook. Next book in the m/m paranormal romance series that started with Allergies. I’m still sort of meh about this series. It’s ok, but it isn’t exactly drawing me in. Allergies was about werewolves; this one continues with the werewolves, but adds vampires and some other preternaturals to the mix. (I have to admit that I really like the cover at least!)

“What, Mom? No, of course I didn’t suggest knocking books off the bookshelves. Would I do that?” -Chaos

“You are so lying, big kitty. And so busted. I’m outta here!” -Mayhem

15 thoughts on “Super Fantastic Mega Bookity Linkity!”

  1. You really blow through the books! Are they all the same plot just slightly different characters with different hair colors? Mayhem is a smart kitty.

  2. Thanks for the Halloween music link.. love the pumpkins! I’m not entering your contest simply b/c I don’t want anything else to pack right now!

  3. Thanks for all the links Chris, and for the mega book mini reviews. I have the Claire Thompson book on my e-reader. 🙂

    Have a great day

  4. Big kitty’s at my house knock books off shelves all the time…they also knock a lot of other stuff off shelves, jump around on them AND even jumped so hard he pulled one off the wall. It’s no wonder I don’t have stuff on shelves.

  5. Oh yea… Mayhem… Cover your butt honey! Chaos will get you in trouble with a capital T!!!

    Wow on the linkity up there Chris! Thank you so much for the pimpage too!!! You are to sweet!!
    I hope you have a great day honey!

  6. Oooh… Lenore: Noogies… I must own that comic. I used to be up to date on all of the Lenore and Gloomcookie and the like. It’s been ages since I’ve picked one of them up.

  7. Ok – that Tall, Mean and Darkly sounds – wow – interesting. Was it good?

    I’ve been meaning to try Ethan Day – I really need to do that after reading your blurb.

    I really liked the Heaven Sent series. I just need to read book 5 now. 🙂

  8. My friends ex guide dog pulled the cookery books off the shelf and dragged them to his bed 🙂 What kinds of books did they knock off the shelves?

  9. The gravity game, with books and other stuff, is very popular here at the house.

    That’s a cute little book holder!

    Thanks for the Daytrotter link. I’ll have to browse around there.

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