Don’t forget to leave a comment on the contest post before 7 pm CDT, Friday, October 16, for your chance to win a copy of Shannon K. Butcher’s new romantic suspense novel, Love You To Death!
Congrats to the lucky random winners in the Show No Fear contest: Sydney, TeresaW, Lea, Dottie, and Lisa!
Lorette, the Knitting Doctor, is celebrating her birthday and new blog home and probably her newish job, too, by giving away some lovely yarn she picked up while traveling in the UK recently. Subscribe and tell her your favorite travel destination for your chance to win. Contest closes at midnight PDT, October 15.
- After our ten days of fall (most of which were rainy), we had snow early Saturday morning.
- Personally, I was too disheartened.
- I mean, only a few of the trees have even changed!
- Some trees have dealt with this sudden wintery shock by dropping all of their (green) leaves in a heap – sort of an “oh shit!” reaction, I guess.
- Speaking of CJ, I drove north seven blocks Saturday afternoon to pick her up.
- Although we live on the same street, we live on opposite sides of Hennepin Avenue, so the drive was rather more complicated than it sounds.
- We headed over to Uncle Hugo’s to peruse new urban fantasy and paranormal romance releases and look for treasures amongst the shelves and boxes and piles of used books.
- I may have outed her there as an author with an upcoming urban fantasy release.
- Whoops.
- Then we stopped at French Meadow Cafe and chatted some more over bowls of chili (black bean for her, chicken white bean for me) for another hour or so.
- We spent an inordinate amount of time laughing.
- Isn’t it great to meet blog friends?!
- Speaking of which, Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian readers!
- Oh yeah, several inches of snow are predicted for us today. *whimper*
“Hey, baby, come here often?” -Chaos
And here I am fretting over whether we’ll get our first frost this morning. Looks like we’re just going to dodge it. I’ve still got a few beans to pick, so this is good.
:: thunk ::
Snow? I heard they had it in Nebraska, but I wasn’t paying attention. I’m sorry. It is wayyyyyyy too early! Is Chaos working on his pick-up lines?
So much of the country it too cold for this time of year. Hopefully this doesn’t mean a long and very cold winter!
Snow already?! And here I was, cursing the heat for not knocking on earlier this morning. I’ll always be a Southerner at heart when it comes to the cold; no tolerance whatsoever. Stay warm!
Eeeps! We may be getting snow here this week! Hard to believe that a month ago, we were sitting out on my deck in shorts…
Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes! This is my favourite time of year, despite the first snow fall.
Snow? That’s just wrong!
Snow? Send an inch or two down here and I’ll send you some of our 90* temps in return. We had Fall for one week and then Summer returned, argh!
Oh no, snow already?!? My family was a bit disheartened on Saturday.
Sounds like you had a great weekend despite the cold temps!
P.S. Now I’m missing the French Meadow Cafe. Yum!
I was out picking squash by flashlight last night. I am not convinced that we won’t still have Indian Summer. If I say it often enough, it might be true.
That was very fun! How did I end up with so many books????
Several inches of snow? Today? ALREADY? Good grief.
I too reacted in a similar “oh shit” manner and left the house with about one third of the stuff I need. There is NO WAY I’m going back until quittin’ time, unless they close schools… but I suppose it is too early to hope for something like that.
Sorry your leaves are all going away. :/ We’re just finally getting real fall weather.
Aw, thanks for thinking of me on Turkey Weekend!! You’ve definitely got a bit of Canuck in ya.
Yeah, our basil is in trouble and we should get it all in. But no snow. Sucks it made all the leaves freak… now you’ll be in the dreary november colors a month early. But think of them as subtle not dreary. And all that cool weather is a good excuse for knitting, no? Or reading those hot books??? So excited, can’t wait for it to come! Thanks!!
Snow?! Oh dear, what happened to autumn? Thanks for the shout-out about the contest!
It snowed in Iowa City Saturday morning, too, and although it stuck a bit, there really wasn’t any accumulation, and it all melted by around noon. But still — WAAAY too early for snow!
My condolences.
Dude- Snow?
Well, it is Minneapolis.
That is so cool that you both live to so close to each other and could meet up like that.
I heard this year winter was going to be a really cold one. Okay so here in Texas, don’t laugh, they say if the crickets come out early then it will be a harsh winter. Well, the crickets came out at the beginning of September when they usually come out in mid-October.
At this moment there are two inches of snow on my deck railing and it shows no sign of stopping. ::sob::
We may not be getting snow, but we are going to get the remains of the super typhoon that hit Japan last week. It was such a large storm that it has made it all the way across the Pacific. I’m wishing I had ordered a raincoat a couple weeks ago when I saw them on sale on line. sigh.
Oh to be a suave indoor kitty like Chaos, who never has to venture out into inclement weather!
Mmmmm…French Meadow.
Oh god, I fear how our trees would handle snow with all their leaves on them. We’ve got 6 trees just in the back yard, and filled up two compost bags this weekend with the early droppers. Looking at the trees, you can’t tell that any of their leaves are gone.
Snow?! It is lovely to meet blog friends.
Thank goodness, we rarely get snow!
the snow seems to have made my home internets go into a conniption fit. so here i sit a a coffee shop, reading your news and wondering if you had to drive through downtown on Saturday? They hadn’t panted the new “2way” parts of hennepin and people were just making stuff up.
Stay warm and I hope this snow goes away soon.
The Weather Guy says it’s all supposed to melt!
Is that Chaos’ alluring look? Because it looks more like he’s going to claw something soon.
Snow! Yes!
Hey Chris… Buurrrrrr ***shivering already for you*** Wow!
I love the description of the trees “oh shit” reaction!! LMAO!!!
And I am so loving up Chaos’ new look!
Here to having a better tomorrow!