Lucky healing thoughts

Stephania is having a blogiversary contest. Leave her a comment by midnight CDT, May 6, about what your favorite post or project of hers was and you could win sock yarn – possibly even a skein of Sweet Georgia! If you live in central Minnesota and are interested in attending Stephania’s blogiversary party on May 5, let her know. Alas, I have a prior commitment on Saturday. 🙁

Frarochvia is having a contest. You can see the amazing prizes in her post of yesterday! Contest closes at 8:30 am CDT, May 11.

My dear friend Frarochvia is also having surgery today to remove some infected metal plates from her face. Please send lucky healing thoughts her way!

I sent my thoughts to her in the form of a comfort shawl. This shawl was mostly the Eyelet and Garter Shapely Shawlette, although I added an extra few rows at the bottom of the shawl and I knitted back across the wrong side instead of purling back (no time for purling – I had a deadline!). I used Brooklyn Handspun sock yarn, color Black Cherry. Yup, I was working on this at the same time I was working on the baby dress. Sneaky, huh? 😉

And of course, the modeled shots…

“I hope this this my good side.” -Mayhem

“I wonder what Black Cherry tastes like?” *munch* -Mayhem

“No! It’s a gift! Stop!!” -me

46 thoughts on “Lucky healing thoughts”

  1. Lovely shawl, and the colour’s fun without being so bright or wacky that it doesn’t go with anything.

    And now I want black cherry pop.

  2. The shawl turned out beautiful! But now I keep humming that K.T. Tunstall song about a Black Cat in a Cherry Tree – or is it a Blach Horse….I’ll never get it right now – THANKS MAYHEM!!!!

  3. Gorgeous shawl!

    May….you really MUST develop another habit – chewing yarn is bad bad bad for you!
    (kinda like giving up cigarettes for people, but you MUST quit, May!)


  4. What a thoughtful gift. I like the color. May, the word of the day is thoughtful-biting in the morning is seldom thoughtful. Just ask Millie-squirt gun therapy is “unfun”. While your alarm clock career is flagging, you have a lock on runway work!

  5. May looks lovely in her shawl. Timmy sleeps on his (my) blue one which is thankfully made of the acrylicish yarn.

    I shall go visit F’s blog and wish her well. I was thinking when I woke up this morning that today was her surgery day. Keep us posted please.

  6. Oh May, yer silly. It’s beautiful Chris, if anything would make me feel better after mouth surgery, it would be a black cherry comfort shawl.

  7. Chaos must be glad he got a little sis just for this… he is now excused from the majority of the modeling shots. Very pretty shawl!

  8. The shawl turned out awesome! Sadly, I too have prior commitments for Saturday and won’t be able to go to Stephania’s either.
    Glad you’re feelin better.

  9. Very nice gift, I’m sure that it will be well received by your friend while she’s recovering.

    And good to see that Mayhem lives up to his name on a daily basis 😉 Sometimes I wish I would have renamed Dallas to something more fitting…I think that “Furry Terror” would be very apt.

  10. May that shawl looks ravishing on you!
    I’m sure it will be of more comfort to the recipient though, what a nice healing gift.

  11. Oooh, very pretty shawl! And perfect colors for Fraro.

    Even if it does look good on May. She was tasting it for her! Someone has to check….

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