Here, linky linky linky…

To watch a new Simon’s Cat video and have a chance to win a copy of the new Simon’s Cat book, head over to ModernCat before October 11.

Author Julie James is celebrating the anniversary of the release of her first book (Just the Sexiest Man Alive, which is a great romance!) by giving away a $25 B&N/Border’s/Amazon gift certificate, plus signed copies of the book. For your chance to win, leave a comment (by 10 pm CST, October 11) about the book that first opened your eyes to reading.

How many books will Nicole read by the end of the year? Leave your guess by midnight PST, October 12, for your chance to win one of the books that Nicole reads this year.

Largehearted Boy is giving away a copy of Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. For your chance to win, leave a comment (by midnight CDT, October 13) about what your Halloween costume plans are this year.

Anna’s got several great contests running – you could win one of two copies of Kylie Brant’s Waking Evil (comment by October 13) or a complete set of Linda Wisdom’s Hex books (comment by October 14).

As always, both Donna (Fantasy Dreamer) and Jackie at Literary Escapism have lots of interview, release, and contest info.

Evil, now conveniently packaged

I know that I definitely appreciate this about kittehs.

If you’re looking for cat music (as I gathered many of you are, based on your comments yesterday!), check out the Cat Coverfolk post over at Cover Lay Down.

Speaking of free music, if you like folky stuff, Jeremy Messersmith (an excellent musician from the Twin Cities) is giving away his first album, Alcatraz Kid, for free if you sign up for his email list. My favorite song from that album is “Day Job.”

Which ewe are you?

Aw, a knitted LEGO minifig!

I love this way of starting from the center of circular knitting.

Lynn Viehl has some great links to free software, including some to help NaNoWriMo participants.

Not that I’d ever go to this much trouble on a cup of coffee, but the cat stencils are cute.

Looking for speedy image resizing from a single right-click  in Windows Explorer? This might do the trick.

Very cool – you can “Polaroid” your pictures online.

24 thoughts on “Here, linky linky linky…”

  1. And it’s sunny here today…wow.

    I love Simon’s cat! That one sort of reminds me of what happens if I leave my knitting out unattended for anything over 5 seconds.

  2. That picture of May is priceless. I am shropshire – who knew….certainly not me because I’ve never heard of it…I wonder if this means a trip to the double ewe?

  3. Simon’s cat is hilarious. Possibly it’s Simon. πŸ™‚

    Oooh, I missed your yarn crawl haul! Excellent! Lots of purple/black and giftie goodies.

    There are people who don’t know you’re a music head? They’re missing out. They should also request a mix from you. Go ahead. Chris gives great mix.

  4. I received a copy of Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters in today’s mail. Of course, it cannot go to the top of the TBR pile. There are some dozen or so library books in that heap…

  5. Thanks for the resize link, I sent to myself at work so I can harrangue folks there… You can also resize via email. In explorer, find your photo, make sure you have the left panel in the non folder view (so you can see tasks, the background is blue), choose ’email this file’, and you get a similar dialog box about sizing. It then opens an email window. Probably works best w/ outlook (of course).

  6. Thanks for the linky!

    I think Miss May needs to go easy on that tiara. I’m not sure the feathers will hold up to her usual style of play… =)

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