Please put on your sunglasses

Many, many thanks to everyone who sent such kind words yesterday. I hope that Mayhem responded courteously to you all! I’m feeling about the same – wiped out. Hopefully the lab work comes back soon so we know what sort of anemia (iron, B-12, folate) this is.

Trek has had a lifelong dream of reaching 145 comments on a single post. Toward that goal, leave a comment for her before June 1 with a suggestion about fun things she and her daughter can do over the summer. When lucky number 145 is reached, Trek will draw a random winner who will receive a mysterious but sure to be fabulous prize!

Brenda moved her blog and is having a contest to celebrate! Leave her a comment about what you named your blog and why. If you’re blogless, leave a comment with what you would name a blog. She’ll draw two winners on May 8 (also her eighth wedding anniversary) – you could win some Schaefer Anne or Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn.

KitKatKnit is trying to find the lentil soup recipe she and her college roommates used to make. Leave her a comment with the recipe by noon PDT, May 3 (when she has to shop), and you could win a hat pattern and the yarn to knit it with.

Reading Update
All Shall Be Well, Leave the Grave Green, Mourn Not Your Dead, and Dreaming of the Bones by Deborah Crombie. Continuing on with the Scotland Yard Superintendent Duncan Kincaid and Sergeant Gemma Jones mysteries. These are very well done and I will continue to read them – in order. 🙂

Knitting Update
I finished my Bird of Paradise slip stitch rib socks! These are from Sundara’s yarn, colorway Bird of Paradise (from her sock club). The stitch pattern is one round of K3, P1, followed by a round of K1, slip one as if to purl, K1, P1. The slip stitch ribbing makes great vertical stripes in yarns that have two colors alternating rounds. I had to tweak the colors a bit because it was very dark when I took the pictures – however, the colors are accurate. Hence the need for sunglasses…

“What, you don’t think I have better things to do with my time than sit here by your socks?! I have fan mail to answer, Mom!” -Mayhem

“Hee hee, May – better you than me! I’ll just lurk here unobtrusively in the chair… wait, was that the flash?!” -Chaos

49 thoughts on “Please put on your sunglasses”

  1. Aren’t we being the little Diva, May? Does your mom realize that she’s just part of the entourage, along with the knitting 😉

  2. Whoa baby….love those socks! I’m sorry you’re feeling “ick” Chris, anemia is the pits!!! 🙁 Hang in there.

    and thanks for your help yesterday, I’m releived to say…it was the wavy frogged yarn causing the problem. Knitting Mojo is still intact…tho at a lower level of proficiency than I’d like, to be sure!

  3. Ugh.. sorry you’re feeling rotten. It looks like Mayhem did just fine with her post yesterday.. you just have to watch so it doesn’t all go to her head. Soon she’ll be expecting you to add her name to the blog title and everything.

  4. Mayhem has “bad little kitty ears”. I tell Smitty that when her ears go to the side; she looks like a devil kitty. 🙂

  5. *crying* why are these socks not mine!!! The humanity!


    I like them a little bit. 😉

    Mayhem sent Picasso a nice email, Picasso says she should do that anytime. Hmph, that uppity Picasso.

    Matisse says hello too, very uncomfortably upon my person.

  6. Chris- Glad your feeling a little perkier- or would “friskier” be a more appropriate word?

    May did a fine job as guest hostess.
    I love your socks, and would covet them, but that would be against the Knitter’s Ten Commandments- thou shalt not covet other blogger’s socks.
    #3, I think.

  7. Very cool socks – wish they’d get your results back so you can get WELL!! I’m shipping off the mousie today…so you and Chaos should keep watch!

  8. Very pretty socks – they argyled a little and it makes them interesting! I’d better not let Pogo see Mayhem is getting fan mail — she is already getting quite the attitude 🙂 Feel better soon!

  9. Thanks so much, Chris!

    The socks look great! I have that yarn, too. It’s quite bright but happy.

    I hope Mayhem’s ego hasn’t exploded from all her blogging success. Remember the little people, Mayhem!

  10. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so crummy. I’ve had anaemia and it’s not fun. I hope you get it sorted out as soon as possible.

    Gorgeous socks!

  11. I think it’s good to have a pair of socks that require Sunglasses 😉 Then when you’re having a bad day, you can look down and get a little flash of color to make you feel better. 🙂

    That sucks that you’re not feeling well, I hope that you get a bit more energy soon!

  12. Very cool bib! I mean, dishcloth. And gorgeous socks!

    Hope you’re feeling more lively soon! Anemia really wipes you out. Poor baby.

  13. Dear Chaos,
    Hi, it’s me your number one fan. Can I have one of your whiskers please? I want to frame it and hang it in the back of my closet above my Christmas light-lit Chaos shrine. You are the best. When it comes to black cats…yer tops.

    *pst, snazzy socks Chris!*

  14. Oh boy Mayhem that is not a nice look! LOL…..My Princess Lilly says to tell you to never “let them see you sweat” ….act like you are above it all….she says she understands that you are still learning and is happy to help teach you what you need to know to be the best lady Diva kitty you can be!

    Chris…those socks are great…the pattern sounds way cool!

  15. Dear May–sweeting, it’s not tuna soup, it’s CHICKEN soup, despite what Chaos tells you. And neither chicken nor tuna soup help what you’r mom’s fighting. But snuggling will. Lots of it. And the hard part is that it’s snuggling without yarn attacks. But I know that you can do it. Trust Chaos on this one (except if it;s about food)–he knows the drill. Snuggles, purring and napping to all three of you…..

  16. Hey there!

    Fortunately anemia is condition that you can correct. I had it years ago, and found out that iron tablets and a change in diet, was better than simply imposing my iron will.

    Your socks are great! I get the sock urge, but can’t seem to get the sock. Do you knit from the toe up? Gotta get to the sock group at my lYS, now that I’m off from work.

    BTW, I burst out laughing at the pic of you and Chaos, when Deb came over. There’s a old sci-fi movie that popped into my head when I saw Chaos’s glowing eyes.

  17. I hope you are feeling better and can get back on your bike soon! In the meantime, I envy your having a great excuse for blog surfing. 🙂

    May is a great guest blogger. Charlie and Tim really liked her post and look forward to more from her and Chaos. They say it’s about time that cats have their own blogs!

  18. Now I know that circular thing behind Miss May is a cat toy, but the first thought in my mind was ‘hemorrhoid pillow??????’…I had recently suggested such an item to an acquaintence who had his bladder/urethra removed and was uncomfortable. Those socks! Those socks! They are my two latest favoritist colors, all in one sock! I really like how the colors pooled/flashed, very interesting, and the slipped ribbing is nice, I will have to try that. Hope your labs are informative and helpful…

  19. i think may has been blinded by the socks! lol

    or perhaps she fears you may be preparing to force, er, coerce, i mean, ask her to model them?

    oh, perish the thought…

  20. The socks look great, Chris! Too bad about being up so late de-worming. At least you weren’t de-worming Chaos and Mayhem!

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