How can it be Monday again already?!

Andi’s having a contest – guess which STR colorways she ordered for socks for she and her husband and you could win a Blue Moon Fiber Arts gift certificate. She’ll accept guesses until noon MST on April 30 (aka today).

Check out the Knitflix Summer Blockbuster Swap – you can sign up until May 11.

My apologies to everyone in bloglines who was pinged to death over the weekend by my “The lacy dress, it is done” post of last week. I’ve tried a few different things and hopefully it’s all better now…*crosses fingers*

Check out the great picture Jeanne got of Chaos and I Friday night when she and Deb came over to knit! And Peeve has some fun pictures of Mayhem from when the Peeves visited us.

We had a gorgeous weekend here in the Twin Cities – lots of sun and temperatures in the upper 70s and lower 80s. Things are getting green out there, but more rain would definitely help.

I’ve been meaning to test knit a dishcloth pattern I designed over a year ago, and Carrie’s contest gave me the perfect excuse to do so.

“Big kitty sent me to ask if that’s a bib…” -Mayhem

Oh, it would make a very thick and absorbent bib, May! But it’s just a dishcloth. Isn’t the texture fun?

“I don’t like Mondays, either, Mom. You leave us alone forever. It makes me a little crazy.” -Mayhem

45 thoughts on “How can it be Monday again already?!”

  1. Freaky eyes Chaos! (Did you get your hair cut?) And yes May, you definitely are the cutest! From the mouth of Gandalf and Atticus.

    Hey, so…what’s the pattern your making? Nice! Although cotton and I are no longer on speaking terms when it comes to clothing, I may be tempted to use up some of the odds and ends for the dishcloth.

  2. It took me a minute to figure out what that last picture was. I mean, it’s a Monday. My brain is slow.

    Oh, who am I kidding? My brain is slow EVERY day.

  3. Is that the same stitch pattern as Grumperina’s Shifting Sands scarf? It looks similar. Whenever I need something mindless to knit and my current major project is at a mindful stage, I’ll whip out a dishcloth; we sell them at the county fair as a fundraiser for the Friend of the Library. Dishcloths and bibs: the refuge of the braindead (like all of us at certain moments).

  4. Sorry, forgot to add that I totally assumed it was Bloglines that was screwing up your feed. I didn’t mean for you to have to twiddle with your blog.

  5. Between the two of them it may now be time for an exorcism…..

    Interesting washcloth pattern! Think white would be an acceptable entry for the contest? Lol.

  6. Chris- You’re raising the standards of the humble dishcloth to a whole new level.
    I’m a J-Cloth person myself. **hangs head in shame**

    I can see the relief that no modelling of bibs will be required.

  7. not quite awake yet – I saw the red tip with a white cord and wondered what the heck kind of needles you were using. and then I realized that was the yarn tail, not the other half of your circ.

    that dishcloth looks like fun! (and it’s not purple or black. shocking.)

  8. I like the pattern in your dishcloth — I’ve never seen one like that before.

    Have you been able to get out and ride a little bit? I was so happy to see your comment on my post about Bicycling magazine and Floyd. Our issue arrived after I posted my post, so I was really surprised to see it!

  9. Psycho kitty!! Neat pic, no flash I take it?
    Cool dishcloth. I saw you’d signed up for the spring dishcloth-along thing. I’ve been meaning to try the 4 corner one myself:)

  10. I’m using that same yarn for my dishcloth for Carrie’s contest!

    Chaos looks like pure evil in Jeanne’s picture 🙂 Does that mean he doesn’t even like to be held by you?

  11. eeeeeh! What a scary picture of Mayhem hehehe
    Note my comment on Jeanne’s post about the Chaos pic.
    I looove that dishcloth! The pattern is very funky! I hope your going to sharesies!

  12. Bwa-ha-ha! Now I have a picture of you. All I need is one hair from your head and…oh, wait. That was someone else. Anyway, DO share the dishcloth pattern/stitch!!! I went and joined the fun, too, thereby BREAKING my “only 3 things on the needles” vow.

  13. Love that pattern stitch. I had to laugh, each time that post came up again on Bloglines, it started out with, “New low, Mom.” LOL

  14. That is a great stitch, what is it? I too am thinking it’d make an awesome bib stitch.

    Great kitty pictures as always, but I love the ones of May in the dress. Poor May.

  15. oh I was wondering what was wrong with Bloglines! I was about to send them a frustrated email!

    and this is the most amazing stitch!!

  16. oh, that dishcloth is so much fun!

    chaos definitely has his high beams on in that picture. i think he’s about to beam someone up in that shot. or blow them up? with his ***eyes***. haw! (i’m sure he was thinking, “if only…”)

    and yes, may is the cutest. course, she does look an awful lot like isis, which may make them BOTH the cutest…lol

  17. I love the texture of the dishcloth… is it something you are going to share, or do we just have to sit and gawk at the amazing thing? 😉

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