Proof that Chaos isn’t dead (plus contests and links to free books!)

For your chance to win a copy of Mr. Darcy, Vampyre, leave a comment at Suburban Vampire suggesting the next vampire-classic mashup you’d like to see. Contest closes 8 am PDT, September 1.

Park-Avenue Princess is holding an assortment of book contests right now – some of the books up for grabs are Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd, How to Tame a Modern Rogue (which I read and loved), and How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World.

For a chance to win The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker, leave a comment at Book Smugglers by 11:59 pm PDT, August 29.

Lea has links to several more contests: one for an Amazon gift card and another for copies of Eve Silver’s books.

For a chance to win copies of Kiss of Darkness (NK cover!) and Bride of the Wolf by Jennifer St. Giles, leave a comment at The Knight Agency Blog before tomorrow morning (August 26).

Shayla Black’s giving away her Doomsday Brethren novella, Fated, as a free download. I enjoyed the first book of the Doomsday Brethren (hunky wizards – what’s not to enjoy?), Tempt Me with Darkness, and am definitely reading more of the series as it’s released.

Lynne Connolly’s historical romance, Yorkshire (Richard and Rose, Book 1) is available as a free download at Books on Board.

Definitely not dead. 😉

“Gee, Mom, it’s too bad about you having to work so much…” *yawwwwwn* -Chaos

25 thoughts on “Proof that Chaos isn’t dead (plus contests and links to free books!)”

  1. What is it with cats and lying on anything made of paper??! LOL. Like the newspaper. When you’re trying to do the crossword. And they think the pencil is a neat toy because it MOVES. OK. Went slightly off topic…

  2. Thanks for all the links!
    Oh Chaos… ***yayay, not dead*** Love the picture. He is showingus his vampire teeth… Making sure still know who is boss (even though Mayhem rules with her tiara… we will just him think he rules)!!!
    Hope things are going well for you are work Chris!
    Have a great Tuesday!

  3. I love your kitties to pieces. Mine tries really hard to avoid the camera, so when I’m not able to pet her silly little head it is nice to get extra kitty action here (or on cute overload or icanhas).

  4. have you ever put a mirror by the nose to check for breathing? (um, not saying I have, just an idea).

    thanks for download info of free books. I’ve read a couple S. Black books but haven’t read the Doomsday series.

    ps. Cosmo has black markings on the roof of his mouth too!

  5. Chris I just wanted you to know that I used Chaos’ picture to link back to your place… I listed you for people to come see your links for contests! Hope you don’t mind… I couldn’t resist!!
    Hope you had a great day and a wonderful tomorrow!

  6. If cats are “on top of” they are healthy. Right now Jack is laying on top of the mouse cord and Benny is on top of the bookcase.

    Harley is snoring in the middle of the floor.

  7. Hi there I just found your wonderful blog through a link on a friends blog and I love it! Thanks for the low down on the contests there are some great ones listed woohoo.

    I’m a huge cat lover too! We have three whew lol. Chaos is a very handsome man! I look forward to seeing more about him! 😉

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