Linkity from a mini heatwave

Harry grooming Polly’s head…

…which was apparently delicious.

Polly returning the favor and grooming Harry’s head.

3 thoughts on “Linkity from a mini heatwave”

  1. I love all the ficlets, but I can’t decide if the dragon one or the superhero one is my favorite. (I would happily read a full novel about either.)

    LOVE the particle sheep! And the dress rehearsal audience. (I wish I’d had that idea when I volunteered with my local community theatre! Some of my favorite shows to produce were the kids’ shows.)

    I do wonder why that California cabin is so inexpensive. I don’t imagine that it would be a primary home, though. Maybe lake/vacation houses cost less than primary homes.

    The PA castle house is kinda neat, but I would definitely want to update some parts of it. Not the dragon chandelier, though. That would STAY.

    You warned me to brace for an onslaught. I was still not prepared. (That green bedroom alone…)

    Hi kitties!

  2. Pimp-a-licious. True.

    Let’s see. $2.657M for the Brooklyn house vs. $1.995M for the mansion in IL. Which to choose, which to choose…

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