Linkity welcomes May

Polly being exceptionally cute.

Serious, slightly malevolent looking Harry.

4 thoughts on “Linkity welcomes May”

  1. I was very excited about Voyager 1! Yay!

    Needle felted dragon is sooooo cute!

    Sigh. Some buildings just should not be converted into houses.

  2. Wallpaper notwithstanding, I love the Castle. It would be such a suitable home for a Freelance Consulting Ruler Of The Universe such as I, and my beloved companion, M’Lord Autumnus Grandifolia, Potentate Of The October Skies.

    Yeah, I wish.

    1. The Voyager 1 stuff is amazing! I got to see the International Space Station (it was a very bright light) in the sky last month. Very cool. Especially when I realised it was actually the Earth that was moving not it!

      And OMG the houses. I’ve very into energy efficient housing. Squares or rectangles are the most energy efficient forms, so no turrets ????

      Polly & Harry are so cute!

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