Linkity thinks it’s a pretty weird winter so far

Harry and Polly checking out the new (larger) pet warmer. I think they like it. 😉

Mayhem on the old (smaller) pet warmer.

3 thoughts on “Linkity thinks it’s a pretty weird winter so far”

  1. OMG, that cowl! I want one. Must stash dive to see if I have enough yarn of an appropriate weight to make one. (I think I do… hmmm.)

    I’ve played the first Cities Skylines, and it does some weird stuff, too. But the comments on the sequel sound wild in comparison.

    The whole color palette of that mauve house just sets me off. Like, sure, have a room or suite of rooms in that color scheme. But the whole house? It feels icky.

    Hi kitties! Looks like they are enjoying this winter so far, anyway. (But yes, it has been a bit odd here too. Hard to pin down exactly why… just doesn’t feel quite “normal.”)

  2. Today’s houses hurt my eyes.

    The pool that must be seen to be believed is pretty interesting. It’s almost like having a conversation pit in your back yard. Nice bar, though.

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