Again with the cat pictures instead of linkity (plus bonus socks)

I was recuperating from a migraine (the first one in 14 months!) during linkity making time, so have some cute cat pictures instead. Plus some completed knitted objects!

Mayhem, so over my taking her picture.

Harry hanging out mostly upside-down on the kitty hammock.

Polly looking as if her body’s missing.

This pair of Meilenweit Cotton socks is for me. It’s a bit of a miracle that they match as closely as they do, because there were a couple of knots in the skeins – and in one, the colorway reversed. :Jean-Luc Picard facepalm:

These were gifted to my SIL for her birthday. Let’s just say that Fame Trend has some loooooooooong color shifts. Fortunately, my SIL claims to love this pair of only vaguely related socks.

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