- New releases: AAR (romance), Smart Bitches (romance)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches.
- An excellent list of some of the very best ficlets on tumblr.
- And here’s a comic for the god of Arepo ficlet.
- “Indie bookstores you can shop at from anywhere” (includes my neighborhood shop Magers & Quinn).
- xkcd/What If? on star ownership.
- Musk ox cam.
- Wolves!
- Consumer Reports on the best hot chocolate.
- Excellent rant about the “s’mores” on The Great British Bake-Off.
- And then I learned that Minnesota is one of the four states that includes supernatural activity in real estate disclosures.
- I wouldn’t have guessed these dragon benches (and more) were carved with chainsaws.
- A fairy-tale cottage.
- A 1000-year old castle.
- A much newer “castle” in Arizona.
- Definitely very curved.
- Converted water tower.
- Genius train station design.
- I believe the pink bathroom is exactly what the bathroom in my condo used to look like (based on the pink showing through the tub paint).
- I might’ve painted the second kitchen before listing, because it’s a bit of a shock after all the black and white.
- Nice, but I still think outdoor pools in the desert are just wrong.
- Apparently this house was used for Stranger Things.
- Rustic and mid-century modern don’t seem like they should co-exist in the same house.
- I didn’t realize there was stone wallpaper.
- Partially finished eco home.
- Dinosaur park-themed home.
- That’s too many windows. Put some back.
- Very 80s-themed.
- Three kitchens is too many kitchens.
- Very bad carpet choice for stairs.
- Optical illusions are never a good choice for stairs.
- Kind of clever, but also…
- Bone-themed stairs.
- They must really hate railings.
- Hot chocolate-scented sweater from Swiss Miss.
- Pillow from Jet-Puffed Marshmallows.
A rare appearance by the Lady Miss Princess Mayhem!
Wolves! Yay!
I miss s’mores, but then when I eat one I’m overwhelmed with the sweet and wonder why I wanted it. Rinse and repeat every 5-10 years or so.
Oh, the s’mores rant(s) warmed my cold, dead heart. I had just watched that particular episode of GBBO and deplored the things Paul Hollywood made them make. Gak.
I do like that xkcd/What If? about star ownership! I’m particularly amused by the bit about planetary jurisdictions vs. the statute of limitations.
Those chainsaw dragons are AMAZING. And thanks for the list of fics on Tumblr!
Hi kitties! I hope they all enjoyed their Halloween.
I am 100% behind that smores rant, and I DON’T EVEN LIKE MARSHMALLOWS. I still like smores, because smores is the experience. (I would always eat the chocolate and graham cracker separately, and give someone else the marshmallow I toasted. I still got the smores experience.)
A recent post from Nicole..Top Ten Tuesday ~ Series I’d Like to Catch Up On
Yes on the castle!!!