Linkity really hopes this is our last “Fall Back”

A rare appearance by the Lady Miss Princess Mayhem!

Harry looking very dapper in his Halloween bow tie.

Serious Polly is a serious cat loaf indeed.

4 thoughts on “Linkity really hopes this is our last “Fall Back””

  1. Wolves! Yay!

    I miss s’mores, but then when I eat one I’m overwhelmed with the sweet and wonder why I wanted it. Rinse and repeat every 5-10 years or so.

  2. Oh, the s’mores rant(s) warmed my cold, dead heart. I had just watched that particular episode of GBBO and deplored the things Paul Hollywood made them make. Gak.

  3. I do like that xkcd/What If? about star ownership! I’m particularly amused by the bit about planetary jurisdictions vs. the statute of limitations. šŸ˜‰

    Those chainsaw dragons are AMAZING. And thanks for the list of fics on Tumblr!

    Hi kitties! I hope they all enjoyed their Halloween.

    I am 100% behind that smores rant, and I DON’T EVEN LIKE MARSHMALLOWS. I still like smores, because smores is the experience. (I would always eat the chocolate and graham cracker separately, and give someone else the marshmallow I toasted. I still got the smores experience.)
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