Hang on for the ride!

If linear’s your thing today, better move along. Here? Not so much. You have been warned!

Don’t forget to leave your comment for the SoC “But since I wasn’t blogging then…” contest before 5 pm CDT today!!

Reading Update
In the Bleak Midwinter and A Fountain Filled with Blood by Julia Spencer-Fleming. These are the first two Claire Fergusson (Episcopalian priest) and Russ Van Alstyne (police chief in Millers Kill, upstate New York). The books are well-written and suspenseful and I already have the next few on reserve at the library.
A Deeper Sleep by Dana Stabenow. The latest Kate Shugak novel – these extremely well-written and suspenseful mysteries are set in remotest Alaska. You definitely want to read them in order!
24 Declassified: Trojan Horse by Marc Cerasini. Really, what can I say? ๐Ÿ™‚

Of course, I didn’t drink any green beer on Saturday, but I did accompany my SIL to a midday bowling tournament and took a few pictures…

Something I don’t write about very much, strangely, is how much I love music. Ye gads, I don’t even have a music category on this blog! But I happily listen to my ipod at work all day, listen to my beloved 89.3 The Current in the car to and from work and while knitting at home, and listen to all sorts of interesting things via my favorite music blogs: Largehearted Boy, Cable & Tweed, An Aquarium Drunkard, Chromewaves, and the MPR Current Song of the Day.

So yesterday, when MamaTulip tagged me with a music meme, I decided to play along, even though I usually don’t do memes. (Although I have put a few music memes on a separate page, for the morbidly curious.) Basically, list seven songs that you are into right now or seven songs that you can listen to over and over. My list will be a mixture – and I might have more than seven…

Chaos isn’t much for music…

“I am so hungry. Diets suck. Hmm. I wonder if that kitten would be tasty?” -C

“I think it’s best if I hide under here for a while, don’t you?!” -M

35 thoughts on “Hang on for the ride!”

  1. Uh, that green beer looks sooo unappetizing! But I’ll tell you, May does look mighty cute peeking out from under that box. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Poor Chaos…

  2. Chaos is on a diet?

    This is why I tagged you. I’ve been reading you for long enough now to know you have great, varied taste in music. And in the year plus that I’ve known you, you’ve introduced me to some very, very cool music. I love that. Thanks for playing along! Great songs. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I added Julie Spencer Flemming to my list for this week at the library, thanks for the review. Love the green hair, my girls hair was that color at their soccer games on Saturday.

  4. Oh, poor Chaos. I thought you’d been looking slim and trim lately.

    I like hearing about the music other people are listening to. I usually find some new things I like.

  5. Thanks for listing the music you’re into right now. I love seeing what other folks are listening too. I usually find something new and cool that way!

  6. Chris- I once dyed my hair green with food coloring, and it never completely came out. Odd colored hair was in style then.

    Tell Chaos it’s not nice to eat other Kitties!

  7. Chaos,
    You are so right – diets do suck! The Vet told me I had to go on a diet just because I gained 4 oz. in a little over a month. Can you imagine? So now Mom and Dad put all 9 of us on a diet. Hmmmm, let me know if May is tasty; perhaps I’ll start eating the other kitties here ๐Ÿ™‚
    Mr. Mugatoo (aka Moogie)

  8. I love that Mountain Goats song. For some reason I haven’t bought any of his albums in years, but I remember this video. It was really interesting.

  9. I enjoy a good Irish beer, Smithwicks is my personal favorite, but have never understood how anyone can drink it green.

    Nick loves music and Basil loves it too, he happily dances and sings along to the music whenever it plays. He actually seeks the melody, it’s soooooo cool. But Abner and I, well we like quiet.

  10. Oooh, like Debora Parde! Will have to listen to the others…dh thinks he has a lot of music… i’ll nudge him about some more! As for the 17th, my bd is the 18th and when I was younger and, well, more reckless, I’d go on a st pat’s day party and keep it right up through the night. I’m very glad those days are in the past!

  11. Glad to hear you enjoyed the Julia Spencer-Fleming mysteries. I just finished Out of the Deep I Cry — a bit of sexual tension there ๐Ÿ˜‰ There are two more — gotta order the next one after I finish the other books I just picked up on Saturday.

    Chaos looks so… evil! in that picture. May, of course, looks cute as always.

  12. LOVE the green hair! That’s the spirit. I tried to drink green beer over the weekend. Something about the swirl of green dye made my stomach churn. I kept thinking what it might look like mixed with the burrito I ate earlier should it make a reappearance. Bleh.

  13. Strangely, I didnรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt even drink any of the green stuff that day. (and whatever do you mean — what exactly would make you think Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขve had beer before? ๐Ÿ™‚ )

  14. I always appreciate your reading updates. Just put two of the titles you mentioned on hold at the library :o) I;m stuck on the Palliser novels by Trollope and will probably give it up. Too much political in the 2nd political novel.

  15. Chaos — come visit here. We are on the eat-on-demand plan and treats are given at regular intervals to fend off the Feline Mafia. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for posting your reading and music suggestions. I’m always looking for new mysteries (though I have more books at the moment than time to read), and also trying some new music since Santa brought the iPod.

  16. “This Year” is such a great song. It helped me get through my last year of coursework at the U of C! Thanks for the contest update.

  17. I wonder if green beer turns one’s tongue green?
    Thanks for the book ideas – I’ve burned through many recent titles, and so many aren’t available here in our tiny town. Always looking for a good book to read ๐Ÿ™‚
    Have you heard about pandora dot com? It a music station on line – free, and totally fun. I love it.

  18. Okkervil River = my favorite band. No kidding. My friend tormented me by bragging about seeing them at South by Southwest last week… while I was shoveling snow.

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