More book contests and links than really seems reasonable

Don’t forget to leave a comment on the contest post before 7 pm CDT, August 6, for your chance to win a copy of Diana Holquist’s How to Tame a Modern Rogue!

Head over to Fang-tastic Books to read an interview with Barbara Bretton and then have a chance to win one of five copies of her latest paranormal knitting romance, Laced With Magic. Leave a comment before August 9 and make sure you stop back at Fang-tastic Books to see who won. (I loved the first book, Casting Spells, and am looking forward to this one.)

Valerie is giving away fabric and Handmaiden yarn to two lucky commenters on her blog. She’ll select the winners on August 10.

Jodi’s celebrating her blogiversary by giving away books, something handknit by her, and maybe yarn. Leave a comment before August 9 for your chance to win.

Anna (a fellow Minnesotan!) is clearing off her shelves and giving away an amazing list of books. Leave your comment with which two books you’d like to win, and Anna will select five winners on August 17.

Author Nancy Harkness is giving away a bright skein of Stacel merino lace to celebrate the reopening of her local yarn shop. Send her an email before August 17 for your chance to win.

Aarti of Booklust is looking for guest bloggers for her Rosie the Riveter series on riveting women in literature. Stop by,  check out the series, and let Aarti know if you’re interested in writing a guest post. Last week’s post was by Carrie K!

*sniff* This xkcd made me sad!

Author Michele Hauf will be spotlighting author and editor to-be-read piles this week.

Jodi discovered a free Edward Gorey font!

Dear Author has a great news round-up, including a statement from the RIAA that might make your brain explode. If that doesn’t, the tale of an author freakout on Amazon might do the trick.

Check out Dear Author’s list of August ebook deals, too. Smart Bitches has a similar, but not identical list with pictures.

The monthly Literary Escapism newsletter is up, featuring a mind boggling amount of book, author, and contest information. If that’s not enough information for you, head over to SciFiGuy’s list of the August urban fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction/fantasy releases.

Now there’s a lawsuit against Amazon by a student whose notes on 1984 became useless when Amazon deleted 1984 and Animal Farm from all Kindles a few weeks ago.

Smart Bitches has a nice list of accessories for the Sony Reader, some of which can be used on other ereaders, too. Smart Biches also has a report from a new Sony Reader owner, complete with comics! Hmm – will the rumored new Sony Readers break the $200 price point?

Huh. Barnes & Noble is inexplicably wrapping DRM around public domain books.

All About Romance has a thoughtful post about book piracy.

Although the contest is over, the Heaving Mantitty Contest post at Deadline Dames is still an amusing read.

Reading Update
My Forbidden Desire by Carolyn Jewel. This is the second book in the series that began with My Wicked Desire, and it kept me as enthralled as the first book! If you’re looking for a steamy paranormal series without vampires or werewolves, you’ll love this one.
Hidden Current (Drake Sisters, Book 7) by Christine Feehan. I couldn’t read it. I got a chapter or two into it, and just could not keep reading about Elle being raped and tortured. Nope.
To Fat and Back by Beverly Rae. ebook. Cute story about a woman who has a crush on a hunk who won’t look at her twice, but I was aggravated by all the passive voice. I was surprised – Samhain usually does better with the editing.
Huntress by Christine Warren, Marjorie M. Liu, Caitlin Kittredge, and Jenna MacIaine. Solid paranormal collection about butt-kicking heroines. The stories from Kittredge and MacIaine are set in ongoing series, while the stories from Warren and Liu are not.
Demon in Blue Jeans by Toni V. Sweeney. ebook. Basically a short story, kinda cute, but too! many! exclamation! points!
Unholy Night by Candice Gilmer. ebook. Nicely done, somewhat steamy paranormal romance about good werewolves and a bad vampire. Need to pick up the rest of this series.
Marked and Feral by Joely Skye. ebooks. Paranormal m/m romance series about werewolves in Canada. Very good, although I got frustrated at times because so many of the conflicts and misunderstandings were caused by people being cryptic with each other, to the point that it felt unrealistic. Hmm. Not sure that makes sense to anyone other than me!
The Darkest Prison (Lords of the Underworld) by Gena Showalter. ebook. This was an ok paranormal novella about the Titan Atlas and the Greek goddess Nike. (And actually not at all about the Lords of the Underworld, other than the Prologue and passing references.)
Total Eclipse of the Heart, Big Girls Don’t Die, It’s Raining Men, and Crazy Little Thing Called Love (In the Heat of the Night, Books 1-4) by Crystal Jordan. ebooks. Extremely steamy paranormals about the best magical bar in L.A. and the interactions of some of the owners and patrons. Not a big fan of the multiple partner thing, which two out of the four have, but the writing and characterization are great.
Demon Dreamer (Captive Souls, Book 3) by Vivi Anna. ebook. Paranormal romance about a woman who dreams of a demon lover and how her dreams become reality. It was ok, but I have no interest in reading the other two. Love the cover, though!

“Why are you upside down? Isn’t that uncomfortable?” -Mayhem

25 thoughts on “More book contests and links than really seems reasonable”

  1. The xkcd is sad. I loved the Little Prince. I had to watch it in French (what feels like) a lifetime ago, and I miss it. I should dig out my copy and give it a read… a very slow read.

  2. Chris- I’m thinking of getting FC a Kindle for Christmas- maybe I should wait to see if they drop the prices beforehand.

    I’m a huge Edward Gorey fan.

  3. Well, fine, then! I’ll have to start buying all my music on vinyl, and digitize it myself! Sheesh. Equipment and content are different, RIAA!

  4. Thanks for the link! Holy link-ville, batman. I’ll have to try the Twin Cities’ Dragonfly coffeeshop next time I’m in town. Love the name — reminds me of Gilmore Girls.

    I had no idea that downloadable book piracy even existed. Thanks for keeping us informed!

  5. Why ARE you upside down? Thanks for the mention!

    I know what you mean. When the plot is pushed along by willful idiocy. Nice abs you read this week.

    1984 & Animal Farm deleted? Is that the very definition of irony?

  6. I suspect that U.S. copyright law will trump the young man’s AP complaints. Amazon deleted “1984” and “Animal Farm” because they had mistakenly used copyrighted versions.

    They refunded everybody’s money.

  7. Your recent kitty pics crack me up! That gorey font looks like fun… know what you mean about work interfering with life (witness the lack of recent posts, lack of recent knitting, general behindness in blog reading…yadayadayada)

  8. Wanted to say thanks for all of the heads up!!
    Also, thanks for your words about the books!!! Taking some of them in consideration… Was planning to get some, one I have!!

    Mayhem… baby… don’t stay like that too long… or you might just get stuck like that!
    I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!

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