And another round of whirlwind linkity!

New releases: Smart Bitches (romance), (horror/genre-benders)

Linkity from Smart Bitches. And from the Pen Addict.

Notes from Isolation: A Soundtrack for Now“.

Scientists, 90s and today.


…simultaneously adorable and dystopian.

A wonderful last contact story.

Variations of Fawkes the Phoenix.

Neanderthals were plying.

Lord of the Rings game, but you play as the ring (not a real game, alas).

“2020 summed up in book titles”.

Well, it’s the reason I have black cats, so!

“Theory: Nobody who writes a physics textbook gives any fucks”.



Pumpkin tres leches cake.

The xkcd dialect quiz. Hover cursor/long-press for caption.

And xkcd’s ultimate all-in-one printer. Again with the hovering and such.

“Thanksgiving-flavored” candy cornAnd $49 pink pineapples. And desk tents. Least usable keyboard ever? Disturbing blazer is disturbing.

Reading Update
Camouflage: The Hidden Lives of Autistic WomenCamouflage: The Hidden Lives of Autistic Women by Sarah Bargiela & Sophie Standing. Cute short comic that combines some stats and some personal stories.
So You Want to Talk About RaceSo You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo. This was very good – I liked how she split topics into chapters (for easy reference later), and she covered some things I hadn’t seen covered in my previous reading.
Ballistic KissBallistic Kiss (Sandman Slim #11) by Richard Kadrey. A solid addition to the series. Was Stark more socially awkward in this than usual?!

“Shake my paw?” -Chaos

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