Scenic summer in the city

Congrats to fellow Minneapolitan, Carolyn of the Thrillionth Page, who was lucky number 59 and won the signed copy of The Highwayman. (And since it turns out that Carolyn lives eight blocks north of me, on the same street even, I think I’ll be delivering her book in person!)

Stop back Monday for another book contest! I’ll be giving away two copies of the collection Eternal Lover (containing stories by Jackie Kessler, Lynsay Sands, Richelle Mead, and Hannah Howell), and one of the copies has been signed by Jackie Kessler.

Pirate sun?! Or Old Man Winter?

I love this picture. No Camping – in a spot of greenery about four feet wide along an extremely busy commuter trail. Perhaps it’s meant in jest?!

Here’s a picture of the front of the garage behind the No Camping sign, if that helps you assess the location as a potential camping spot:

And a picture from the garden beside the garage – temptation, anyone?

Remember the picture of the egret at Lake of the Isles from last week? I took a second picture of that egret a few minutes later. Notice  the lump in its neck? That would be a frog or small fish, I’m guessing.

“Yo, woman, bring me a beer!” -Chaos

36 thoughts on “Scenic summer in the city”

  1. I had the best cooooold beer yesterday…oooooh Chaos, if I remembered the name YOU would be bringing it to your Mom, and not the other way around!

  2. Love the pix. I’m thinking it’s to keep a homeless person from making that their own personal Eden. Hope I’m wrong. And, I just KNOW you set Mr. Chaos right;-P

  3. Love the pictures. πŸ™‚ I think that sun gizmo looks like a winking cloud….maybe it’s just cause it’s white. LOL


  4. Near our school we’ve got a literal “no pooping” sign with a dog trying to do his business (the lettering and the picture) in someone’s yard. I’ve never seen that one before.

  5. I am currently opposed to anything winter related and am hopeful for some sunshine this weekend….so I’m going with Pirate Sun even though I typically do not like pirates. Except Jack Sparrow.

  6. I don’t know…. When I see a sign like that I assume there has been a problem in the past.

    P.S. Now I know where to pitch a tent next time I’m in MN!

  7. See.. and I’m wondering how many people never noticed that spot UNTIL they put the “no camping” sign up there. Also, that sculpture looks like “wind” to me… I don’t know why.

  8. You gotta wonder if somebody tried sleeping there before and called it camping. Hence the sign!

    And Chaos is just trying to show that he is just as flexible as May, except on his back!

  9. We have no camping signs like that in places where homeless people have been found “camping.”

    Chaos! I thought you had better manners!

  10. Old Man Winter. Or as Mouse said, Wind. It does look weirdly like wind. Why wind has a face, I don’t know.

    Chaos! That’s no way to talk to your mother.

    Congrats to Carolyn!

  11. Maybe it is like Old Man Winter having eaten something that doesn’t quite agree with him (though it is more a wink than a grimace)?

    If I was going to catch a few shut eyes over there, I would think it was much more interesting to sleep on the weird sloping roof thing of the garage.

  12. Oh I forgot to mention, the other day we were at a local pet store, they sold beer for dogs. Seriously, beer for dogs in a 6-pack. I didn’t see any for cats, but next time we are in there I’ll look.

    Who would have thought of such a concept?

  13. That is totally a pirate sun. All he’s missing is the hook-hand. I’m not sure I could have something that creepy hanging off my house.

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