Linkity is not prepared for a polar vortex


Do, Think, Learn, Make

Life in These Pandemic Times


Artsy Crafty




Reading Update
The Best of Connie Willis: Award-Winning StoriesThe Best of Connie Willis: Award-Winning Stories by Connie Willis. What it says on the tin, plus a couple of rather good award acceptance speeches.
Cartwheel in the Quiet: A Tapestry of Things Found + FeltCartwheel in the Quiet: A Tapestry of Things Found + Felt by Emily Looman. Lovely little snippet of the author/artist’s life – a path to healing told in art and scribbled words.

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem

4 thoughts on “Linkity is not prepared for a polar vortex”

  1. I don’t know if it’s just me… but none of the blurbs for the new releases on the Tor site interested me. NOT EVEN THE BLURB FOR NETWORK EFFECT, which I have already read and loved. Weird.

    LOVE Gandalf the Goose. (But I’m sure you knew I would. 😉 )

    I… kinda love whoever decided to play “Live and Let Die” over the loudspeakers… <3
    A recent post from Nicole..Friday Reads: The House in the Cerulean SeaMy Profile

  2. that was a great Pen Addict linkity. I adore the rediscovered blue ink. I am struck right now how much lost local knowledge we might need to rediscover

    Re Donald Trump in the mask factory: I am having increasing difficulty believing I am experiencing reality. I think the aliens have me hooked up in the brain tank and they’re seeing exactly how weird they can make it before I say, “Wait a minute…”

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