Cats in the garden (not my cats, not my garden)

I went walkabout on Saturday and got lots of interesting pictures. I’m continually amazed that I can spend so much time walking in the same several mile radius and still discover new things. For example, check out this garden, right off of Lake of the Isles:

Ignore the sculptures of human figures at the next house over (sometime I’ll have to go back for shots of those) and focus on the three kitty sculptures in the closer garden.

I love them. You are not surprised.

“But can those kitties do this, Mom? I didn’t think so! I am way more adorable than them. Plus more flexible.” -Mayhem

37 thoughts on “Cats in the garden (not my cats, not my garden)”

  1. None of our cats – OK except for Tig – would sit still long enough to pose for those sculptures, or those photos in the out-of-doors!

  2. Smith and Hawkin was selling those a couple of years ago. I have sleeping kitty sleeping in one of the cat beds that doesn’t get used by any of the shedding cats in my house. I keep meaning to take him out to the garden, but he looks so peaceful where he is.

  3. Concrete fur is much harder to get out of the furniture though.

    funny story of my pet cat Hook when i was only 3. The neighbor cat and out cat were buddies. They used to hang out together and terroize all the other neighborhood pets. All the neighbors knew when they saw one cat the other was nearby. But not only that they were like little kids, when we’d let Captain Hook out he’d go to the neighbors house and meow out the door until they let their cat out (which I can’t remember the name of). And likewise when they let their cat out, he’d come over to our house and meow at the door until we let Captain Hook out to play.

    Your story of garden kitties made me think of that. As they liked to lurk in the gardens around the neighborhood and then attack any passerbys.

  4. Those kitty sculptures are AWESOME. I have this dream of having a backyard like that one day… Of course then I’d have to maintain it. *Sigh*

  5. I keep meaning to take pictures around here. Of course mine will be of the “celebrities” I drive by often, like YouTube and Facebook offices!

  6. Neat sculptures. I haven’t really had time to walk around our new neighborhood yet, except the route to the grocery and the nearest subway station. Those aren’t as exciting as your neighborhood!

  7. I am not surprised, oddly enough.

    Too true, Mayhem! Much more adorable and flexible. Possibly more furry and cuddly too. But they are pretty nifty.

  8. That is a beautiful garden and the cat sculptures fit right in. Smith and Hawken still carry them, and my mother’s birthday is coming up. She has a big garden, although with her rabbit problem, she’d probably prefer a sculpture of a cat with bared teeth ready to pounce!

    I think May practices being cute while you’re off at work.

  9. You sure take beautiful photos Chris, and how scenic!

    I love the kitty sculptures too. I have senior Manx cat that lives with us he is a “stumpy” and more like a dog than a cat! We all just love him to bits. He was most disgusted when I introduced the dogs though. lol

    I see Mayhem is performing. 😉


  10. Oh Mayhem… you are to adorable!!! And the flexiblity might prove to be your keeping!!! LOL!! You are right, those statues are too cute… but nothing compares to hearing that awesome purrrrr…. and feel that head butt!! You know you are loved then!!

  11. Love the kitty sculptures, although they can’t compare to the graceful poses of a real cat.
    I have 5 bunny sculptures in my flower garden and this spring, happily, a real bunny has showed up! He is the cutest little rabbit and even though he has eaten a few plants I think it is a good trade-off to see his cute self peeking out at us.

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