The one that may cause nightmares

Gladys of the Yarn Floozies is holding a raffle of some pretty amazing yarn (Wollmeise, anyone?) to support her husband’s Ride2Survive cancer fundraising bicycle ride this summer. For your chance to win (and to support a great cause), enter by 8 pm PST, April 26.

Wendy’s giving away a copy of One Ball Knits: Purses. Leave a comment by 4 pm EDT, April 16, for your chance to win.

Have you been following the #amazonfail kerfluffle at all? Whoops.

Speaking of online reputation, Lifehacker has some info on how to monitor your own. I’m particularly interested in this topic because I wrote my Master’s thesis (Rhetoric) about online ethos (that is, your character and credibility online).

Squee! LMAO. Here’s one for the Linux geeks. Hmm – I think you should get very, very nervous at this point.

I don’t think we’re ready for the Knitputer yet, do you? Unless it’s like this way to calculate set-in sleeves, that is.

Knitting Peeps!

If you’re a garage/yard sale junkie, the Yard Sale Treasure Map should streamline your plan of attack.

Just when you’ve given up on the future of humanity, there’s a story like this.

I recommend that you print this out before beginning your time travel journey.

Turn yourself or your pet (or really, anyone) into a Terminator! (May cause nightmares. Whoops.)

Eeep! Hope I survive the night…

30 thoughts on “The one that may cause nightmares”

  1. Eeps! They look scary, I hope you survived… 😀

    I *always* say that I’m not a yard sale junkie, but I can’t help but stop and look. It’s a rite of spring…

  2. Terminator cats are scary!! I saw the first photo before I managed to read the line, eek!

    Thanks for the yard sales map link; I’m going to try it for estate sales (tho I’m not sure they’re listed on Craigslist?), as I always forget to check the newspaper.

  3. Put those kitties back the way they are supposed to be. Right now. I’m serious. I love the Terminator!

    OK – I’m an idiot – can you summarize what Amazon did for me …

  4. I see you’ve mentioned the Knitputer here. Does that mean you’ve started your own kaftan? (You realize, of course, that a proper knitted kaftan has to be made of the itchiest, shiniest acrylic you can find.)

  5. One of my friends told me about the amazon thing yesterday and I don’t think I would have noticed otherwise. Some days I feel like I am living under a rock.

  6. Oh, man! Those are creepy!!

    I hadn’t heard anything about Amazon. Thanks for the link to the article. There’s an interesting discussion in the comments, as well.

  7. Knitting peeps may be scarier than terminator kittehs.

    I had to post the NYU bot experiment as my I Heart NY Part 6 (We Help Robots Cross the Street). The video was fantastic! Not only is it the cutest robot *ever*–but it has restored our faith in humanity, Its powers are extraordinary! lol

  8. Gawd! That first picture scared the crap out of me! I’m not kidding. Yikes! I considered trying it with my horse, but… that could make it too hard to deal with him next time he blows a mental gasket.

  9. In the third shot in the video of the robot in Washington Square, the one where there is a planter with yellow flowers slightly right of center screen and in the far distance you can see a tiny bit of blue sky in the upper right corner? The building just to the left of that blue sky is Goddard Hall, the residence hall where Older Son lived during his freshman year at NYU, 2003-2004.

  10. Oh no poor kitties turned into Terminator kitties!

    I followed the #amazonfail thingy for a while until I realized I really needed to get some work done. 🙂

    Great links, as usual!

  11. Those Terminator Kitties are outrageous! Funny and disturbing at the same time… I’ll have to play with that when I’m in FLA…

  12. Well, I was going to comment on today’s post, but it seems comments are off . . .

    Thanks for your comment on the contest you linked today. I think that’s more likely to give me nightmares than either the Terminator Kittehs or the picture of the critter in the tub . . .

  13. terminator cats!!! yee gaaads (run away girls, don’t look, lest you quake in fear)

    What a cool topic for a Masters Thesis – I’ll bet that it really rocked.

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