Since it snowed again yesterday and is supposed to snow today…

…I thought I’d share a few more pictures from that snow-free mid-March walk I took.

This first picture probably isn’t that interesting if you aren’t familiar with Uptown and with Calhoun Square in particular. (Calhoun Square’s in the midst of getting a radical facelift.) In the photo below, you’re looking at what used to be Starbuck’s, the west entrance, Border’s, and the Lotus Vietnamese Restaurant.

A mysterious door across the street from the pit formerly known as Calhoun Square:

Intriguing twigs…

Some kitty playhouses, both unassembled…

…and assembled:

A wind gnome?

“I wish it was nice outside, because then the windows would be open and there would be birds to chitter at!” -Mayhem

38 thoughts on “Since it snowed again yesterday and is supposed to snow today…”

  1. Harley thought the snow was great. He romped around in it for a long time and was a little upset when it all disappeared.

    He was the only one in my house that felt that way.

  2. I have to chitter at the birds through the dining room window or by looking through a crack in the storm door. So I feel your pain May. Are you going to get a cat playhouse?

  3. OH WOW! The cat playhouses are the best!! I wanna get one for Felix! Now that he’s lost some weight, I hope he can fit. Where do I get one?

  4. The wind gnome is creepy. And I bet most cats would not be interested in those cat houses, as they are too fancy. Plain boxes and bags that a human might want to use are much more desirable.

    I hope the weather improves soon so May can chitter at the birds! But I don’t know how she will get to the window; she seems to have lost her front legs again.

  5. This winter stuff is just plain wrong. We’re supposed to get SNOW later tonight. SNOW-in Georgia- in April. So WRONG. I agree with MayMay.. we need some open windows and birds to chitter at.

  6. Thankfully, we escaped the threatened weekend snow. I don’t know where it fell instead, and I don’t care. I hope you see improvement soon!! (Enough already!)

  7. OMFG, it’s Terre Thomas redux. I clicked on the Calhoun Square links, foled it to the fairy godmother stuff and there she is! Founder of our former employer, former roommate of mine and now a good-natured new ager. Who’d have thunk that a good democratic Texas girl could end up running a gift shop in South Minneapolis.

    Snow sucks….

  8. It sleeted/snowed here yesterday,too, but didn’t stick. They were predicting 4 inches – I’m glad they were wrong. However, about 70 miles northwest of us got 10 inches!

    It’s still cold today, though. I want Spring!

  9. Those kitty playhouses are interesting! Is that fuzzy stem staghorn sumac? Raining like crazy here, we were just saying how it’d be a wicked snowstorm if it was colder.

  10. Today we had snow, it didn’t accumulate, but it was also opening day of the St. Louis Cardinals. Boy the fans were not happy. And then to top it off the Cardinals lost.

    I’m sure Django was pouting, as he does not appreciate anything wet and falling from the sky.

  11. I’m not so sure cats should be permitted to have tanks. 🙂

    Hmmm… Maybe we need a wind gnome for our porch.

    It’s colder here now that it was in Wisconsin. Plus we’re supposed to have snow showers tonight. I like snow, but that’s not right. My brain has already switched over to spring.

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