- New releases: Fiction Vixen (romance) and Dear Author (romance)
- Linkity from Smart Bitches. And more linkity from Smart Bitches.
- 24 banned books.
- Reshelving at the New York Public Library’s Reading Room.
- Some asexual main characters in fantasy books.
- A history of the composition notebook.
- “How I always end up buying more books“.
- Chaucer doth tweet.
Think, Do, Learn, Make
- Jane Goodall on Trump’s debate style.
- First Lady Michelle Obama. And a series of great tweets about her speech.
- The enclosed shopping mall is 60 years old – and the first mall was Southdale Center in the Twin Cities.
- “Extinct” trees found in the Queen’s Royal Garden.
- Bunker of film reels.
- “The 25 best films of the 21st century, and where to watch them“.
- Live jellyfish cam.
- Interactive exhibit of a world map from 1507.
- “How attentional bias makes you obsess over buying stuff you don’t need“.
- If you’re curious about what the symbols on sheet music mean…
- 17 inexpensive recipes you can make with a can of beans.
- Buffalo chicken stuffed potato.
- Ricotta and roasted tomato stuffed baked potato.
- Red quinoa salad with spicy lime vinaigrette.
- Mediterranean spaghetti squash. (via The Kitchn)
- Spaghetti squash “funnel cake”. (via Lifehacker)
- Pressure cooker rice pudding.
- Pumpkin chocolate chip bread. (via jmcbks)
- Pumpkin bundt cake with cinnamon streusel and salted caramel.
Gluten Free
Artsy Crafty
- Tutorial for making a weekly bullet journal spread. (via artjournalin)
- YARN: The Movie.
- Knitting linkity from kmkat.
- London Tube ads replaced by cat pictures. (via urrone)
- Emma Watson narrates a short video about women’s accomplishments throughout history.
- LEGO Yellow Submarine with Beatles minifigs.
- LEGO Death Star build.
- Why introverts are quiet.
- Linkity from kmkat.
Cool or Wha…?
- “Build a system that automatically plays your own theme song when you walk into a room“.
- “A watch band lets you hear phone calls through your fingertip“.
- Millenium Falcon charging cable.
- R2D2 coffee press.
- Grease blast shield.
- Oh, science cat. (via elvenenchantress)
- Possibly this cat is related to science cat. (via elvenenchantress)
- Autocorrects about Wednesday.
- Oh, god, the caption. (Hover cursor or long-press to read the caption.)
Teh Cute
Reading Update
Jack of Kinrowan by Charles de Lint. The two books contained in this omnibus edition are about Jacky and Kate, two ordinary Ottawa women who get drawn into the machinations of Faerie. Definitely not my favorites by de Lint.
“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Mayhem
Wohoo, cats in the metro!
A recent post from blodeuedd..Author post: Rowena Cory Daniells
I would love to have the Yellow Submarine!
A recent post from margene..Prisma Color Wednesday
I wonder how many people will get the R2D2 coffee press for Christmas?
ouchie error by the author of the banned books piece. “Tied to the assassination of John Lennon, who was ‘caught’ with a copy [of Catcher in the Rye]”
Subject misplacement: The book was tied to the assassin – Chapman. The structure implies Lennon had the book.
Thank you for your patience while I grammar nerd out.
That Yarn movie looks pretty wild.
Thanks for another amusing look at life on the interwebs. I need the r2d2 coffee pot, but the husband said “no” :(.
The green magpies don’t even look like real birds, they are so cool.
I haven’t read deLint in awhile, maybe I’ll re-read some of that.
Darn I knew I’d missed something when I went to London for the weekend! I had intended to go and see those ads in the Tube station.
Yay, jellyfish cam! Sometimes those kinds of things are just the meditation I need after (or during) a crazy day at work.
I’ve read “Every Heart A Doorway”, and I love how the character’s sexuality is a part of the story and yet not portrayed as something weird. McGuire did a really good job on that story.
Ugh. The caption on that XKCD. Ugh.
A recent post from Nicole..WIP Weds ~ 10-11-16