Linkity wiped out by lidocaine

Why do I always forget that lidocaine injections leave me feeling spacey and exhausted a few hours later?! Ugh. I had four “suspicious looking” moles removed earlier today and I am fading fast now… (I’ll find out in about a week if they were more than suspicious looking.) *yawning*

There won’t be any linkity at all next week, as I’ll be in Cleveland for work most of the week…


Think, Make, Do, Learn


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Muse and ReverieMuse and Reverie by Charles de Lint. Another solid collection of Newford short stories, set before Widdershins.
The Blue Girl (Newford, #15)The Blue Girl by Charles de Lint. I’m not a big YA fan, even for a Newford book. It wasn’t a bad book! And I did enjoy the tiny cameos and mentions of a few of the established Newford folks.

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Chaos

“Was that a bird I heard?!??” -Mayhem

8 thoughts on “Linkity wiped out by lidocaine”

  1. Okay, I may need one (or more) of those mugs…

    Also, I hope everything is only “suspicious looking” and not any more ominous than that. Hope you get a chance to nap with the kittehs!

  2. I sure hope you get good news about the moles :/
    re disappearing words. Counterpin is clearly a variant of counterpane, so I’m surprised it’s disappearing. Do y’all generally not use that to mean a lightly quilted decorative cover that goes over all the sheets and blankets and pillows on a bed? If not, what do you call the outermost layer of a bed?

  3. Hope those moles end up being very boring.

    Hmmpf. That fur petting app would be a total disappointment compared to the soft floofieness of your real kitties.

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