That week Cleveland ate linkity

It’s been a long week already, starting with another trip to Cleveland for work. Our flight was delayed a few hours, so we ended up getting to the hotel at 1:30 am Monday morning… Then a few hours later, as I was getting ready for the day, there was a (non-fatal) shooting on the street between the hotel and our office! 😮

I made an art journal page in my hotel room Tuesday evening to commemorate the trip… I never got to see the world’s largest rubber stamp sculpture, although I really wanted to. At least I saw the largest outdoor chandelier in the world last fall

(Click on image to embiggen.)

*hiding* -Chaos

Same, Chaos, same.

7 thoughts on “That week Cleveland ate linkity”

  1. Glad you weren’t on the street when that shooting happened!

    I think Chaos wins at Hide and Seek! 😀

  2. Add the giant rubber stamp to the huge list of things I did not know about Cleveland. The thing is, that stamp is BRILLIANT. Like, Orwell’s prophecy of “a boot stamping on a human face – forever”: forget that overt militarism; it’s a giant stamp, crushing our spirits under Fox News broadcasts, Wal-Mart employment contracts, and DMCA takedowns forever, telling us how lucky we are to be free, free, free.

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