I been through the desert on a linkity with no name


Think, Do, Make, Learn


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Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Dreams Underfoot (Newford #1) by Charles de Lint. This collection of short stories was the first of Charles de Lint’s Newford books that I read 20 years ago. I might not rate it quite as high now (perhaps a 4), but at the time – it was immersive and amazing and I could almost (not quite!) see hints of the magical from the corner of my eye after I finished reading. I was happy to discover that de Lint’s Newford tales have retained their own immersive magic all these years later.

“Stupid heat and humidity makes a panther princess sleepy!” -Mayhem

10 thoughts on “I been through the desert on a linkity with no name”

  1. “Also known as the Fluffy Glider, Yellow-bellied Gliders have remarkably soft fur”

    Okay, i have been to Sydney, and somehow everyone failed to inform me there was such a creature as a “fluffy glider”. I am hitting up Taronga zoo the very next time i go there.

  2. I was pretty disappointed I couldn’t see the sculpture garden when I came but having seen your link, I’m glad I didn’t and I’ll have to save it for another time.

    I am secretly hoping that pumpkin spice flavoured things become a thing over here as cheerios sound like a brilliant thing.

    I love the link on how calicos give birth – especially one too many (of course, I’m not thinking of Jeanne at all!!)
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