Linkity cut short by drowsing off while typing


Do, Make, Think, Learn


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Art Escapes: Daily Exercises & Inspirations for Discovering Greater Creativity & Artistic Confidence by Dory Kanter. This one’s focused mostly on using watercolors in an art journal, with a little bit about collage. I found some of the watercolor information to be extremely helpful – the author provides detailed information on specific watercolor brands and shades for primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. And although the book was published 13 years ago, the paints are still available.

“I don’t care that it’s nearly 90F, Mom – you should still have our fleecy blanket over your lap so me and the big kitty don’t have to huddle here by your foot instead!” -Mayhem

*sigh* -Chaos

7 thoughts on “Linkity cut short by drowsing off while typing”

  1. I love the mural – but Eggplant Jerky? Why, I ask you – my eggplants will be coming in soon, but I don’t know about this approach. HAve a great weekend. Isn’t it nice to feel cool? (Not that we aren’t always cool.)
    A recent post from marylou..Second of May, Shoelace Day.My Profile

  2. Sheep view! OMG, love it.

    And some of those pencils are awesome. I just put the arrow ones in my Amazon cart to buy for my niece for her birthday. (She’s a Merida fan.)

    Eew, more eggplant. Some of those peach recipes look amazing, though.

    I think those self-important socks might be just the right amount of fair isle for me…

    Hee hee, shark tea bags! Love it.
    A recent post from Nicole..Friday Reads ~ The Carpet People (& Book Challenge Update)My Profile

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