The return of linkity!


Learn, Do, Make, Think


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
An Illustrated Life: Drawing Inspiration from the Private Sketchbooks of Artists, Illustrators and Designers by Danny Gregory. Good look at the journals/sketchbooks of 50 different artistically minded people, including (in their own words) how long they’ve been keeping a journal, why they keep up the habit, and their preferred materials.

*sleepy glaring* Why are you laughing at me, Mom?! You are mean!!” -Mayhem

I was laughing at May’s little “catlick” from Chaos. 🙂

8 thoughts on “The return of linkity!”

  1. I’ll see your Lake Superior with ‘an average depth of nearly 500 feet’ and raise you my Loch Ness with a depth of 788 feet AND A MONSTER!! *dusts off hands* 😀

  2. okay, that donut croquembouche on the cake wrecks page? WOULD EAT! I would eat that so hard. *makes grabby hands*
    And then i’d have to go to bed. For a long, long time.

  3. I love the book drop signs! Sadly, I only got 10 0f 12 MN foods right. otoh, I made tater tot hotdish for Christmas Eve dinner, and both sons — aged 26 and 31 — loved it! Commented the elder, “This is a LOT better than I thought it would be.” And we do that Tommy Lee Jones look many times every day, especially in the evening after dinner.
    A recent post from kmkat..Happy heart day!My Profile

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