Linkity hopes normal service will be restored next week

The insurance company now owns the remains of my old car. I now own a new-to-me car and will pick it up today, when I’ll deal with a few final related things. I’m hoping things will be back to normal next week. Here’s some brief linkity, in roughly the order it would be in if there were headings and all. 🙂

Reading Update
Book Play: Creative Adventures in Handmade Books by Margaret Couch Cogswell. This book starts with a very thorough overview of materials and techniques, then moves on to making a few basic books before finishing up with some unusual and creative interpretations of the book form. Definitely a good reference book.
Paint Mojo – A Mixed-Media Workshop: Creative Layering Techniques for Personal Expression by Tracy Verdugo. It was ok. I think. I skimmed a lot. Here it is, six days later, and I remember pretty much nothing about this book. D’oh.

*contemplating his diabolical plans for world domination… after he figures out how to get the lock on the kitty food pantry cupboard open*

8 thoughts on “Linkity hopes normal service will be restored next week”

  1. so many things I want to say!

    1. Wow you got a new car already? You are a woman of swift action. What did you get?

    2. HEATED NARWHAL SLIPPERS! *@#*&%$#@ HEATED!!!! NARWHALS!!!! @*&%$@*%$

    3. a caffeine bracelet is the dumbest idea ever! The ritual of coffee is 95% of the point. The cupping of the mug/cup in your hands, sipping the first mouthful, almost too hot to swallow, and the happy feeling as the warmth seeps through you. The soft fuzz of the crema on your top lip. it’s the whole coffee experience *waves hands elaborately*
    You can’t get that in a patch! Gah!

  2. I was so overwhelmed by the narwhal slippers I forgot to ask if you think the shrimp cake is covered in real shrimp? Because those suckers look SO REAL. I mean, if they’re fondant then that baker is a genius. But why in any universe would you add crustaceans, delicious as they are, to cake??

  3. Lets meet for a bracelet wearing? No. But I got lost as usual and found that our GS cookies (which I’m sure you don’t eat) are not the same as GS in other places. This explains a great deal. Midwest GS cookies are not as good.
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