Linkity for a new year

Happy New Year, everyone! 🙂


Do, Make, Learn, Think


Gluten Free

Artsy Crafty


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Gelli Plate Printing: Mixed-Media Monoprinting Without a Press by Joan Bess. Good instructional and inspirational book about Gelli plate monoprinting. I’ll be picking up a used copy as reference for some of the more complicated techniques.
Art Journal Freedom: How to Journal Creatively with Color and Composition by Dina Wakley. Good overview of basic artistic principles such as color theory, contrast, and composition in the context of art journaling. Although I’m not a fan of aspects of the author’s style, I do like how she puts together backgrounds.

“Wha…?” -Chaos

8 thoughts on “Linkity for a new year”

  1. For a pre-conception approach to Music Appreciation For The As-Yet Unborn, try the the Musical Penile Implant, giving a new meaning to the term “Rhythm Method”. On the plus side, as a product for Men, it is a full 27% less expensive than the musical tampon. Welcome To 2016.

  2. Oh my – hot dog flavoured Pringles sound very wrong indeed! I smiled at your link to how to read a book in a day – I almost read the whole of a book called Wool yesterday but I was hiding in my bedroom with the cat 🙂

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