Linkity’s looking forward to a Thanksgiving break

Congrats to Susan W, who won Telltale by Clare London!

Congrats to Is, who won Celebrate (Avian Shifters #1.5) and Magpie (2nd ed) (Avian Shifters #2) (and optionally Duck (Avian Shifters #1) (2nd ed)) by Kim Dare!

No linkity next Friday, November 27! 🙂



Do, Learn, Think, Make


Gluten Free

Artsy Craftsy


Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Art Before Breakfast: A Zillion Ways To Be More Creative No Matter How Busy You Are by Danny Gregory. That I started this in early July and just finished it last week should tell you something – comfortable writing style, fun drawings, and yet I just wasn’t drawn in.
Journal Fodder 365: Daily Doses of Inspiration for the Art Addict by Eric M Scott and David R Modler. There’s a lot of information in this book; I think it might be best for someone just starting to art journal who is trying to figure out their own style and habits. What I liked about this book were some of the ideas for how to integrate an art journal into your life and not just work on it during “studio time” (which I have a tendency to do).

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Chaos and Mayhem

(Maybe kitties do hibernate for the winter…)

5 thoughts on “Linkity’s looking forward to a Thanksgiving break”

  1. Oh I really, really wanted an EZ bake oven. My mother opposed those kinds of toys. If I wanted to bake, I could learn to do it right and use the real oven.

  2. My first husband asked for an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas when he was a kid. He wanted to be able to make his own cookies. His mom wouldn’t buy it for him, but she did buy it for his sister. She wasn’t interested in it, so he used it.

    The windows 3.1 story is interesting. We’ve been cleaning out the office, and just threw away OS and boot disks for DOS 5.0, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows 98.
    A recent post from Cheryl S…CrazyMy Profile

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