Kitteh, kitteh, kitteh

Wendy’s giving away several copies of her new sock book – leave a comment by noon EDT, March 29, for your chance to win (although, since there were over 1300 comments by Thursday evening, I suspect you’ve all already left your comments!).

Author Barbara Bretton’s giving away some Elann Pure Bamboo yarn (color Devonshire Cream) – you have until the afternoon of March 28 to participate.

Neil Gaiman’s having a Twitter captioning contest with some very cool prizes – you have to submit your Twitter caption by midnight PDT, March 28.

Could that second picture be any cuter?! *head explodes from the cute*

These kitteh crayons are pretty darn cute, too.

The Romance Vagabonds celebrated Women’s History Month with a post about 12 influential romance writers, from Jane Austen to Nora Roberts.

How come my kittehs never helped me out like this when I was doing the online dating thing?! It might’ve gone better.

Hey tea drinkers – did you see the spiffy black kitteh tea cozy that Sydney found? (And she also had wildlife depredating her screens!)

Some cool typography tool and font download links from Lifehacker.

Please keep the folks along the Red River of the North in your thoughts as they brace for record-breaking water levels.

“Go away! I’m still embarassed about yesterday!” -Mayhem

Have a good weekend, everyone! Hopefully the intermittent snow spit we’ve had here will stop taunting us… but we are dry and warm and in absolutely no danger of flooding, so life is good.

19 thoughts on “Kitteh, kitteh, kitteh”

  1. That would be some flood, if the waters rose to engulf a third storey condo.

    Life jacket, anyone?

    Hey, what’s with the big gopherwood barge?

  2. I’ve been staring at those photos on the Neil Gaiman site for 2 days now trying to figure out whether to enter ever since I heard about it on Twitter. The photo of him on the right hand side of the site sort of makes it hard to concentrate on captioning a silly photo though… /fangirl

  3. Those little black kittens are adorable!
    The typography tools look very cool. I’ve scrapbooked that page to go back. Thanks for the link!

    Mayhem, you should be proud that you can remember yesterday at all. What a smart panther girl you are! Most cats have about a 20 sec memory.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. You probably would have loved hearing our kitty last night. She decided the pan we baked some mashed potatoes in was tasty, and I woke up to the sound of her collar scraping against the metal pan. Silly kitties. Always doing something weird, and, well, kitty-like.

  5. Thanks for the mention! Keeping fingers crossed that things go better than expected for Fargo.

    Oh cute kitty pics!

    Maybe you can convince Chaos and May to help you if you decide to try online dating again.

  6. I hope it didn’t snow this weekend up there, my folks headed up there to go to the Apple Valley Zoo.

    Poor May, you can come live with us. I promise Django and Abner won’t taunt you or tease you. And they probably won’t eat you either.

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