Monday, Monday, Monday – why is there always a Monday?

I have to admit, I’m finding it increasingly challenging to get motivated to put together Misadventures posts. (I’m going to guess this isn’t a surprise to most of you, based on how few Misadventures posts I’ve made in the last few months.) Thoughts on the lack of Misadventures, anyone?

But hey, how about some recent art journal pages instead? 🙂

And a cute bonus picture of some black kitties!

Also, this week, I’m featuring Chaos and Mayhem photos that the catsitter took last week while I was in Cleveland. 🙂

“I am deeply suspicious of your intentions, person who is NOT MOM.” -Chaos

9 thoughts on “Monday, Monday, Monday – why is there always a Monday?”

  1. While Misadventures is fun to read, you shouldn’t do it if it’s a chore. You could always put it on hiatus for a while and determine later if you want to come back to it. You do seem to be leading a very creative life both literally and virtually! I always like the kitty pictures. Is there a better use for the internet?

    What big eyes, Chaos! Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
    A recent post from Brenda..Acquisitions: Daylilies and Yarn for Stripes!My Profile

  2. I enjoy Misadventures but I’m also enjoying seeing your journalling pages, so if you wanted to make Monday the day to show us your work instead, that would be good. The names of your pens are intriguing, too. I’ve just looked up Fude pens and prismacolor pencils – fascinating. It’s a whole new world! 🙂

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