The return of No time for Misadventures – making art!

But there are plenty of Misadventures in the archives to keep you busy if you really need a Misadventures fix. 🙂


“The First Book” by Rita Dove:

Open it

Go ahead, it won’t bite.
Well…maybe a little.

More a nip, like. A tingle.
It’s pleasurable, really.

You see, it keeps on opening.
You may fall in.

Sure, it’s hard to get started;
remember learning to use

knife and fork? Dig in:
You’ll never reach the bottom.

It’s not like it’s the end of the world –
Just the world as you think

you know it.

“Saved paper”:

Back in the 1990s, there was a little card shop near the Uptown Theater. I can’t remember what it was called, but it used these little bags patterned with that I thought were too pretty (and looked too useful, even if I didn’t have a use for them…then) to just throw away. Today I stumbled across them again and now I have a use for them! I’m frankly amazed they survived all the moves!!

I took the bag apart and stuck it on the page, then tried to brighten it up a bit with some watercolors.

“I thought I’d enjoy these breaks from the naughty boys, but now I’m wondering if I need to be concerned about this art journaling business.” -Mayhem

6 thoughts on “The return of No time for Misadventures – making art!”

  1. Ooh, lovely! See, Chris, that last one proves my point about not getting rid of all those bits I think will be great for crafting with. Sure, it may take years, but they’ll find a way to earn their keep!

    Whatever you decide to post is great with me. Even though I’m happier looking at art than boys, I do have to say those Misadventures’ plots can make me laugh. 😉

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