Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 241st (The return of the return of the return of Prison Stripes Guy)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today we’ll be catching up with Prison Stripes Guy… AGAIN. Thanks to everyone who sent me links to covers! 🙂 And don’t forget that you can hover your cursor over the cover (or long-press on the cover if you’re mobile) to see how I used the title in the Misadventure.


for the day, as

in the canyon below him,


and that

he’d met while

, then challenged to a



Only a leeeetle bit convoluted, right?! RIGHT??? 😉

“It was so nice when there weren’t any naughty boys last week. Alas, they have returned.” -Mayhem

8 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 241st (The return of the return of the return of Prison Stripes Guy)”

  1. Doesn’t make much sense, but he does make a cute jock. Glad to hear he’s well-endowed. LOL These things are important in porn.

  2. Dear Santa: Please see Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 241st (The return of the return of the return of Prison Stripes Guy) for my Xmas list.

    I’d like a Haunted Mansion, a Good Deed Wolf and a Shadowy yet Well Mapped Redheaded Fox. Please bring us matching grey outfits – an Endurance Tee for Red, a Take It ALL Tank for me, and Prodigal hoodies for both of us.

    One day we’ll go off to a Sensational woodland spot, where we’ll play Well Endowed Football while some Windy Wierdo turns our plaid picnic blanket into a tacky miniskirt so he can shed his prison stripes. Please also bring something really wonderful for Chris, she deserves the very best!

  3. The Son of the Wind cover is confusing and disturbing.

    May is neither confusing nor disturbing, just lovely instead.

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