- New releases: Fiction Vixen (romance/UF) and AAR (romance)
- Book and publishing news from Dear Author.
- Dear Author on “the state of our reading habits”.
- “On the festishisation of gay men by women in the slash community – it’s more complicated than you might think“.
- James Patterson’s new thriller will self-destruct after 24 hours.
Think, Do, Make, Learn
- “US Senate votes that climate change is real as though that were the deciding factor“. (Are you terrified of US yet? For US, at least?!)
- How Bill Nye works.
- The life of an NHL dentist.
- How long would it take a bowling ball to hit bottom after being dumped in the ocean over the Mariana Trench?
- Hopefully none of you have one of the passwords on this list. *looks stern*
- Massaman curry with beef.
- 21 soups from around the world.
- Thai sticky rice pudding with coconut sauce.
Gluten Free
Cool or Wha…?
- Leatherman bracelet – 25 tiny tools for your wrist.
- Red Velvet Oreos.
- FOX wants to bring back The X-Files – with Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny.
- So true! (Hover cursor/long-press for additional text.)
Reading Update
Hounded (The Iron Druid Chronicles #1) by Kevin Hearne. Ok urban fantasy about Atticus O’Sullivan, a 2000 year old druid running an apothecary in Phoenix and hiding from an old enemy. I found Atticus to be kind of annoying, actually…
Discount Armageddon (InCryptid #1) by Seanan McGuire. Ok paranormal romance about a cryptozoologist living in New York City, trying to launch a ballroom dancing career, prove to her West Coast family she can live on her own, and help out the city’s cryptid/monster population. This had a couple of particularly amusing bits (the mice!), but I didn’t quite gel with the narrator.
*sniff sniff sniff* “Your woolly wooliness pleases me, sock.” -Mayhem
Sock without Mayhem (although that’s Chaos’s head and foot coming in frame):
You are truly on a roll Chris! Chaos knows better than to touch your socks.
Your Senate is more bizarre than I thought O.O
Chris- Did someone say Red Velvet Oreos?
Yay, knitting! I am glad your hands (was it your hands?) are better. Life w/o knitting = life only barely worth living.
“3/4 of all bowling balls are witches.” LOL!
Loved the bowling ball link! Also the vintage postcards. I love looking at old postcards, even more so if the messages written on them are shown.
Oh you US people
More socks! And a leatherman bracelet – yes please.
OMG! Thai Sticky Rice with mango is my favorite. I tried to get wherever we were in Thailand. I never get tired of it.
Clearly Mayhem needs a stripey wool blanket.
I loved the bowling ball scenario, especially the highly improbable strike illo. Thanks for the entertainment.
Berkeley City Council is always voting on wars and things as well. Possibly not scientific studies but who knows.
A third grade choir sounds like fun!
A third grade choir
Sounds like fun. Love those socks. May need to sit down now as I see you’ve been knitting!!
A recent post from mrspao..Sleepy Face
I find that I read more romance when I’m unhappy. Since I’ve been happy lately, I’ve read barely any romance.
Love the socks! Stripey stripey!
And how can I tell if I’ve looked at those passwords without looking at the passwords to find out?!?