In which it is another Linkity Friday and absolutely no one is surprised

Congrats to Val, who won Secrets and Charms (Secrets #2) by Lou Harper!


Think, Learn, Make, Do


Gluten Free



Cool or Wha…?



Teh Cute

Reading Update
Foxglove Summer (The Rivers of London #5) by Ben Aaronovitch. Good continuation of this urban fantasy series, which finds Peter and Beverly Brook looking for missing children in pastoral rural England. Not rated “very good” due to an abrupt ending and some inadequately resolved questions.

“…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” -Chaos

8 thoughts on “In which it is another Linkity Friday and absolutely no one is surprised”

  1. Larry thinks there are probably lots of people who would like to use their phone (or car) to tell their fridge to make coffee for them, as they pull into the driveway. Nothing like having that hot cup waiting for you as you walk in.

    I’m just glad he doesn’t take selfies.

  2. I don’t think ODD is quite the same as free thinking. Any particular labeled characteristic has a wide range of severity. ODD is way to one side of the behavior scale, whereas free thinking is closer to the middle. (I guess the other end of the scale would be absolute acceptance of social rules and mores with no room for deviation.) In other words, ODD is 2+ std dev away while free thinking is somewhere in the middle, well within the normal range. (Thus speaks the accountant spouse of a mental health professional. YMMV.)

    Target: I had lunch with a women yesterday who retired from Target. She said she was REALLY glad she wasn’t working there this week.

    Re: winter driving. We have had front-wheel drive cars since the mid-1970s, way before they were common. Our mantra: You can GO better than anyone else on the road, but it takes you just as long to STOP.

    I listened to the first Rivers of London book a few weeks ago — really enjoyed it. I don’t remember where I got the reccy, but I suspect it was here 🙂

  3. Finally getting to Linkity. Love Knitting as Engineering. I feel prouder, now. And new Rivers of London? Off to get. Just finished all three of the Last Policeman books. Liked.

  4. I love that book/baby/poo quote! So true.

    I wonder if we would have cut cable if we’d stopped to calculate the cost. Maybe we would have dropped it faster, though. We rarely watch anything that isn’t on Netflix, which Mr. Wyrm had IN ADDITION to cable previously.

    And lots of soup recipes! You’d think it was winter, or something… 😉

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