It’s kind of amazing how fast time seems to pass as you get older – there’s an economic phrase (the only thing I remember from economics, actually) that describes it perfectly: increasing at an increasing rate. Indeed.
“Wow. You are old, Mom!” -Chaos and Mayhem
Sometimes. And sometimes I’m not.
Happy that time of year that we don’t talk about to you! And, Kittehs, don’t you know that all Mom’s have the gift of agelessness? I think it’s like a promo freebie that comes with the gizmo that makes the Tuna come out of the can.
Happy Birthday
Hope you have a great day
Happy birthday! I’ve been testing the 48 waters for a week now, and they’re fine.
Chris-Time does go quicker, but sweetie, you’ll always be younger than me. Alot has to do with attitude- as you know.
Have a happy one, my friend!
Happy Birthday!!! The time does fly. Hope you had a good one and the kids treated you nicely.
Happy Birthday, Chris!!! Have a super fabulous and fun birthday! Eat all the GF cake you want. xox
Happy Birthday, Chris! Have a great day.
Good to SEE you! You look great.
Happy birthday – hope you’re making the most of your long weekend!
Happy birthday, Chris! I hope you have a fab birthday! As I’ve gotten older, I’ve adjusted my definition of ‘old’. It’s currently someone in their 70’s. I’m sure once I near that age, the number will go up to 100. That way, I’m never ‘old’
Happy Birthday! You don’t look 48 at all. Nor do you feel 48 I’m sure.
Have a totally fantastic birthday Chris!
Happy birthday! Wishing you much joy!
A recent post from sprite..alpaca festival
Wishing you a Fantastic and Happy Birthday!! Hope your BDay is a fun one.
Be nice children
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, Chris!!! I hope 48 is as amazingly awesome as you are!!! *HUGE HUGS*
Looking good! Happy Birthday to you. Hope those kitties behave themselves
Happy, happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! My mom always used to say, and now I tell my kids, “Time flies, and the older you get, the faster it goes”! So right, mama, you wise woman. And BTW, we’re now the same age!
*pets to Chaos and Mayhem*
Belated Birthday Wishes and Many Happy Returns of the Day!
A bit late (sorry) but, Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy (belated) Birthday!!
Happy birthday for the 17th Chris.
I made a mental note on the actual day to come and wish you a happy birthday but alas, I’m too old for mental notes anymore and need real ones. Anyways, 50 is the new 30 don’t you know so you’re still a spring chicken!
Hope you had a great day and that there was excellent cake
Ha, 48 is a Babe in the Woods [& a distant memory for me – I had to run away to Madeira for the last two weeks so that no-one spotted I was turning 60!!]
Hope you had a lovely birthday – I did
Happy Belated Birthday! So sorry I missed it.