oh my! he’ll grow to love her…but until then, it’s you that i pity! socializing cats…not a job for the faint of heart. good luck! i know they’ll both be so happy once they get past the whole “mine mine mine, go away”.
Chaos is teetering at the top of that totem pole, about to be moved over a bit? I was going to say MOVED DOWN A NOTCH, but I don’t believe that is true!)
Have fun! I can’t wait to see pictures!
I’m chuckling already, making the popcorn, and got my seat (if I can get the cat off of it!). This will be like the premiere of a new movie: “If you loved: “Chaos wreaks havoc in MN” You’ll love the sequel: “Chaos Reigns Supreme: or take that you pipsqueak!!” I have 2 cats who came to live with me at different times. It’s great!! Wait till they start tag-teaming you!!! Enjoy!
A little sister, this is so exciting. I can’t wait for an introduction!
I am so looking forward to seeing Chaos’ little sister! My old boss (a vet) said, ‘every cat needs a cat’:)
Can’t wait to see the new girl on the block!! Good thing she is “sister” though…Purl might just get jealous.
How exciting! A new little kitty! I can’t wait to meet her!
Oh my! Ch-ch-cha-changes in the Chaos household! And darn, the week I go away with (probably) no computer access.
Heh heh, Calamity Jane might be a good one. Have you seen her yet?
Atticus in particular is a big softie with Gandalf, so who knows? They’ll probably the best of friends by Sunday…
Oh a new baby, I can hardly wait to see. And what will she be named I wonder. Oh the excitement is nearly unbearable.
Uh -oh look out. Now you will really experience the House of Chaos! Good luck – maybe it will be love at first sight.
to second the first jenn’s motion…
you’re getting a kitten??? EE! for you!
we’re getting a puppy… naps doesn’t know yet… shhh!!
I can’t wait to see her!
Uh oh…there’s going to be trouble afoot….
Okay, so how long have you been keeping this exciting news vaulted?
You did it!!! Hurray!!
oh my! he’ll grow to love her…but until then, it’s you that i pity! socializing cats…not a job for the faint of heart. good luck! i know they’ll both be so happy once they get past the whole “mine mine mine, go away”.
Chaos is teetering at the top of that totem pole, about to be moved over a bit? I was going to say MOVED DOWN A NOTCH, but I don’t believe that is true!)
Have fun! I can’t wait to see pictures!
Oh Hooray!!!! I can’t wait to see pictures and hear about their first meeting!!!!!
OH boyOh Boyoh – by this time in three months they’ll both be going “hey Mom, look at me! I can touch my tongue to my nose!”
My little sister and I used to try this all the time!
Congrats on the new kitten! This should be fun.
I’m chuckling already, making the popcorn, and got my seat (if I can get the cat off of it!). This will be like the premiere of a new movie: “If you loved: “Chaos wreaks havoc in MN” You’ll love the sequel: “Chaos Reigns Supreme: or take that you pipsqueak!!” I have 2 cats who came to live with me at different times. It’s great!! Wait till they start tag-teaming you!!! Enjoy!
aahhh she is so cute
– and I notice hse already knows how to pose
Congrats on the new kitty. May looks absolutely adorable! Black cats sure are addictive, huh?