Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 201st (The return of the return of the return of the return of Torso Guy)

Welcome to another edition of the Misadventures in Stock Photography! Today weรขโ‚ฌโ„ขll be catching up with Torso Guy… again. ๐Ÿ™‚


knew to

, but because of their amazing

and how they kept everything

, neither of them had been prepared to be

while they were hanging out in the


, admiring

, basking in his amazing

, and discussing why

when you’re

, until they were unceremoniously interrupted by

, who stopped to offer them some

via the


I recommend taking a moment until you’re less dizzy from reading that before you go on with the rest of your day. ๐Ÿ˜‰

*lashing tail* -Mayhem

11 thoughts on “Misadventures in Stock Photography: Part the 201st (The return of the return of the return of the return of Torso Guy)”

  1. It’s interesting to see the different colour tones used and how they alter the shade of his jeans and his skin tone. He’s so pale on the cover of His Howling Desire he looks more like a vampire than a werewolf!

  2. *Head whirling* I am afraid I have been reading these for too long; that one almost made sense.
    Looking good, May

  3. Headless, yet fully depilitated torsos make my tail lash, too May! And that airplane bracelet is a bit awkward…

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